Pigment Processing - Physico-chemical Principles

Pigment & Resin Technology

ISSN: 0369-9420

Article publication date: 1 August 2000




(2000), "Pigment Processing - Physico-chemical Principles", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 29 No. 4. https://doi.org/10.1108/prt.2000.12929dae.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited

Pigment Processing - Physico-chemical Principles

Juan M. OyarzunVincentz VerlagHanoverApril 2000236 pp, hardbackISBN 3-87870556-569, US$76,

Keywords Publication, Pigments

Coatings, printing inks and plastics, but also ceramic and textile materials, for example, derive their colour predominantly from their pigment content. If this valuable component is to be used to optimum technical and economic effect, then detailed knowledge is needed of the interrelations between powdered pigments and media - the latter generally being organic polymers. Those who use pigments, regardless of the sector in which they operate, will find that this handbook contains everything they need to know. Pigments as a whole are dealt with here as a class of substances - both coloured pigments and white pigments, both organic and inorganic products - while discussion of physico-chemical properties and of processes provides an underlying common theme.

The ways in which pigments are characterised is thus set out in detail, from the influence of particle sizes and forms, to the effect of pigments on the rheological features so important to the processing methods, and the optical features crucial to coloration, taking in along the way the issues of stability and especially adsorption processes. Under the aspect of processing these substances generous coverage is given to pigment dispersion, including the equipment systems used and the quality control methods which are applied.

The wealth of illustrations, tabular material and sample calculations contained in this book makes it easy to visualise concepts. From his perspective of several decades of practical success in the pigments industry, the author has perfectly matched the book to the information requirements of processing businesses striving to achieve the highest-quality pigmentation.

Details available from: Vincentz Verlag, Tel: +49 (0) 5 11 99 10-260; Fax: +49 (0) 5 11 99 10-099; E-mail: lamberti@coatings.de

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