Special Issue on Cutting-edge collaborative technologies for service innovation

Managing Service Quality: An International Journal

ISSN: 0960-4529

Article publication date: 31 August 2012



(2012), "Special Issue on Cutting-edge collaborative technologies for service innovation", Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, Vol. 22 No. 5. https://doi.org/10.1108/msq.2012.10822eaa.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2012, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Special Issue on Cutting-edge collaborative technologies for service innovation

Special Issue on Cutting-edge collaborative technologies for service innovation

Article Type: Call for papers From: Managing Service Quality, Volume 22, Issue 5

Description (aims/objectives/content/readership/etc.)

The service industry has gained in importance over the last few decades, and today, it is of critical importance to the economic and social development of many nations. Moreover, innovation has been extensively studied in the prior research and it is considered to be one of the main drivers of business performance (Jiménez- Jiménez and Sanz-Valle, 2011).

There are numerous studies on innovation in the service industry (Licht and Moch, 1999), however prior research on service innovation is weak in capturing the varieties that surround it (Amara et al., 2009). In the quest for facilitating and supporting innovation and innovativeness, firms have started to implement different cutting-edge collaborative technologies to foster and strengthen communication, collaboration and participation. These activities are not only important for supporting market orientation, organizational learning, absorptive capacity, and knowledge management, but also for innovation and innovativeness.

Krishnan and Saldanha (2010) hold that Web 2.0 technologies are increasingly used in business to improve productivity and increase collaboration. Amongst the most used are blogs, wikis, podcasts, RSS and social networks. In the past, some authors have suggested that research is needed to systematically evaluate the effects of information technologies on innovation (Lindic et al., 2011) and other studies argued that information and communication technologies can eliminate the limitations of innovations in SMEs (Corso et al., 2001). Since Web 2.0 technologies facilitate knowledge sharing (Patrick and Dotsika, 2007) and are considered a driver of organizational innovativeness (Chen et al., 2010), it is worthy to ask if the evolving cutting-edge collaborative technologies are positively affecting innovation in service industries.

The aim of this special issue is to analyze the effects of different cutting-edge collaborative technologies on innovation, in order to improve service quality.

Subject coverage

Empirical research that uses multiple methods, and conceptual papers covering different aspects of cutting- edge collaborative technologies, innovation, innovativeness, and entrepreneurial orientation in service are particularly encouraged.

Recommended topics are as follows:

  • Virtual teams and service innovation

  • Online innovation and collaboration

  • Determinants of Web 2.0 adoption for service innovation purposes

  • The effect of new technologies on the service innovation processes

  • Taxonomy of service innovations

  • Web 2.0 technologies and innovation in service firms

  • Innovativeness in service firms and effects on business performance

  • Collaborative platforms and service innovations

  • Cutting-edge technologies adoption, market orientation and service innovation.

Besides the aforementioned topics we are interested in related areas and scope covered by Managing Service Quality.

Deadlines for submission

Submission of full paper: 15 November 2012

Feedback from referees: 15 January 2013

Submission of revised paper: 15 March 2013

Second round from referees (if applicable): 15 April 2013

Submission of final revised paper: 15 May 2013

Specific instructions for submissions

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page at: www.emeraldinsight.com/msq.htm

Guest Editors:

Domingo Ribeiro SorianoUniversity of Valencia, SpainE-mail: domingo.ribeiro@uv.es

Daniel Palacios-MarquesTechnical University of Valencia, SpainE-mail: dapamar@doe.upv.es


Amara, N., Landry, R. and Doloreux, D. (2009), ``Patterns of innovation in knowledge-intensive business services'', Service Industries Journal, Vol. 29 No. 4, pp. 407-30.

Chen, C.-J., Huang, J.-W. and Hsiao, Y.-C. (2010), ``Knowledge management and innovativeness: the role of organizational climate and structure'', International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 31 No. 8,

pp. 848-70.

Corso, M. et al. (2001), ``Information and communication technologies in product innovation within SMEs – the role of product complexity'', Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies, Vol. 2 No. 1,

pp. 35-48.

Jiménez-Jiménez, D. and Sanz-Valle, R. (2011), ``Innovation, organizational learning, and performance'', Journal of Business Research, Vol. 64 No. 4, pp. 408-17.

Krishnan, M. and Saldanha, T. (2010), ``Organizational adoption of Web 2.0 technologies: an empirical analysis'', AMCIS 2010 Proceedings, available at: http://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2010/103

Licht, G. and Moch, D. (1999), ``Innovation and information technology in services'', Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 32 No. 2, p. 363.

Lindic, J. et al. (2011), ``Deploying information technologies for organizational innovation: lessons from case studies'', International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 31 No. 2, pp. 183-88.

Patrick, K. and Dotsika, F. (2007), ``Knowledge sharing: developing from within'', The Learning Organization, Vol. 14 No. 5, pp. 395-406.

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