(2004), "Help at hand just in time", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 53 No. 6.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Help at hand just in time
In August 2004 the rules of the EU’s WEEE directive kick in requiring reuse or recycle treatment of old electronics and information technology (IT) hardware. Building an environmental disposal strategy into IT purchasing is now essential for all UK businesses wishing to operate within the law.
MAXITECH.BIZ, the London based redundant electronic equipment reuse and recycling not-for-profit company delivers a set of unique social, environmental and economically beneficial schemes for processing end of life electrical and IT equipment in response to the new legislation.
New EU rules on disposing of redundant IT equipment, far from posing a major headache for firms, could result in an unexpected windfall for a third of UK businesses.
In a successful pilot programme over the past year, MAXITECH.BIZ has found that a typical organisation can recover 5 per cent of the initial cost of redundant IT equipment while meeting the requirements of WEEE. And one firm in three can actually generate a positive return from their recycling programme, delivering an unexpected boost to hard-pressed IT budgets.
Partially funded by HSBC, and sponsored by London Remade – the public agency set up to encourage markets in recycled goods and supported by the Mayor of London – MAXITECH.BIZ provides a solution to the legal, environmental, social and cost issues of disposing end-of-life electronic equipment.