(2000), "New titles added to 'Management Skills Online'", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 32 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
New titles added to 'Management Skills Online'
New titles added to "Management Skills Online"
Keywords: Training, Management
Maxim Training has added five new courses to "Management Skills Online", making it the UK's largest portfolio of management and personal development training titles available online.
The new courses are:
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Make objectives happen: setting objectives is just the first step on the road to development. This course presents a four-step plan that ensures sound objectives are set and followed through so that they actually happen!
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Presentations: the key to successful presentations lies with effective preparation. This course goes through the basics of preparing presentations and ensures presentation messages are clear and professional.
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Problem solving: no matter what job you do, or how senior a position you hold, one thing is certain - you will regularly be confronted with problems that need to be solved. This course demonstrates how to use a systematic approach and a combination of analytical and creative skills to aid problem solving.
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Selection interviewing: selection interviewing is one of the key management techniques for evaluating whether a job applicant is suitable for the post on offer. This course supplies a comprehensive guide to developing skills in this area.
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Equal opportunities: the issues surrounding equal opportunities in the workplace are extremely important to management and staff in any organization. It is a topical issue, which is supported by legislation and everybody should be aware of the principles and practices involved. This course is designed to raise awareness of how equal opportunities apply to individuals and managers in the workplace.
All courses can be delivered via a corporate intranet or over the Internet. For further information, visit the company's Web site: Telephone the sales team on 01273 827788. Or contact Tracy Drewett, Maxim Training, 42 Bond Street, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 1RD. Tel: 01273 827751; E-mail: