(2000), "Everything you want to know about Investors in People", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 32 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Everything you want to know about Investors in People
Everything you want to know about Investors in People
Keywords: Investment appraisal, CD-ROM
Maxim Training has launched Everything you ever Wanted to Know about Investors in People but were Afraid to Ask, a new CD-ROM to add to its library of management training and professional development titles. It uses a combination of techniques to cover the specific principles of the standard: real-life video interviews with people from organizations which have achieved the standard, interactive analysis to estimate where you and your organization are in relation to the standard and key extracts from the Investors in People UK Web site, including a "live" link to the website with the latest news.
The CD-ROM covers:
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the specific principles which tie training and development activity directly to business objectives;
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how resources committed to training and development can be put to the most effective use;
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a benchmark of good practice against which any organization can measure progress towards improved business performance;
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the new process organizations go through to achieve recognition and new assessment procedures and indicators.
For more information, visit Maxim Training on the web at Or contact Tracy Drewett, Maxim Training, 42 Bond Street, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 1RD, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1273 827751; E-mail: