Foundation-degree target exceeded

Education + Training

ISSN: 0040-0912

Article publication date: 1 September 2002



(2002), "Foundation-degree target exceeded", Education + Training, Vol. 44 No. 6.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2002, MCB UP Limited

Foundation-degree target exceeded

Foundation-degree target exceeded

The Department for Education and Skills has exceeded its target for 4,000 students to start the foundation degree, the new work-based degree qualification, by autumn 2001. The lifelong-learning and higher-education minister, Margaret Hodge, said that 4,229 students have started foundation degrees – work-based degree qualifications backed by industry to provide the specialist skills that modern workplaces demand. According to the minister, "There is a growing demand for vocational courses from students and businesses and it is a win-win situation for everybody. Universities attract students, businesses get the skilled people they need and individuals who successfully complete their courses get a passport to a good job. Detailed analysis shows that we have attracted non-traditional entrants to higher education through the foundation-degree route. More than 52 per cent accessed foundation degrees with vocational or work-based qualifications. Expanding initiatives like this is not about dumbing down higher education. It is quite the opposite. It is about raising the skills of people vital to our productivity and growth agenda." The minister also noted a recent survey from PricewaterhouseCoopers which suggests that retention rates on foundation degrees were strong. The average retention rate for the first semester stood at 95 per cent, which compares favourably with other higher-education provision.

A up beat response has also been received from industry. Digby Jones, Confederation of British Industry director-general, said: "Demand for the first foundation-degree courses is encouraging. Greater collaboration between business and the higher-education sector is good news. To deliver high-value qualifications – whether academic or vocational – universities and further-education institutions must understand the needs of employers and potential students. A flexible, customer-focused approach will enable both businesses and individuals to make full use of higher-education opportunities." Bryan Sanderson, who chairs the Learning and Skills Council, said: "The better-than-expected take-up of foundation degrees underlines the importance of the council's work with employers in establishing a new national framework for apprenticeships, and providing a clear and straightforward progression route from advanced modern apprenticeships to higher education."

He also highlights the that the work-related route to higher education means that business has a recognized and accredited way of attracting and retaining bright young talent to help to fill its skill shortages.

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