Aspects of Indium Solder Bumping and Indium Bump Bonding Useful for Assembling Cooled Mosaic Sensors
Indium solders are frequently used for interconnections in cooled systems because of their high ductility down to very low temperatures. Very fine contact pitches are required for hybrid mosaic radiation sensors compared with those for conventional flip‐chip technology. This paper presents solutions for bumping and bonding indium bumps based on the measured properties of indium solders in relation to the requirements of, and possibilities for, manufacture of fine pitch solder bump features.
Plötner, M., Sadowski, G., Rzepka, S. and Blasek, G. (1991), "Aspects of Indium Solder Bumping and Indium Bump Bonding Useful for Assembling Cooled Mosaic Sensors", Microelectronics International, Vol. 8 No. 2, pp. 27-30.
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