The British Food Journal Volume 56 Issue 10 1954
“Food Investigation, 1953,” published by H.M. Stationery Office for the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (price 3s. 6d.), describes the work carried out during the year by the Food Investigation Organization on the handling and preservation of foodstuffs. The foods with which the Organization is mainly concerned are meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, and preservative treatments are chilling, freezing, sterilization, curing, pickling, salting, smoking, concentrating and drying. The Report is divided into two parts: the first, the report of the Food Investigation Board, is a review of the policy that has been followed by the Organization during the year, and makes reference to some of the more important discoveries. The second part deals with the work of the four main Divisions of the Organization which are devoted to general biochemistry and biophysics; meat, fish, and fruit and vegetables. The main laboratories for these Divisions are at Cambridge, Aberdeen and East Malling.
(1954), "The British Food Journal Volume 56 Issue 10 1954", British Food Journal, Vol. 56 No. 10, pp. 91-100.
Copyright © 1954, MCB UP Limited