How between-firm collaboration impacts on innovation: The significance of proximity dimensions
This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies.
This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the articles in context.
Innovation is widely recognized as a prime means of gaining a competitive advantage. However, many firms lack the necessary resources needed to increase their innovation capabilities. Cooperating with other organizations or institutions is therefore seen as a viable alternative. The prospects of successful innovation can be enhanced by various dimensions of non-spatial proximity. Collaboration is likely to prove most effective if firms engage with others identified as being similar, indicated by a blend of cognitive and organizational proximity.
Practical implications
The paper provides strategic insights and practical thinking that have influenced some of the world’s leading organizations.
The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy-to-digest format.
(2017), "How between-firm collaboration impacts on innovation: The significance of proximity dimensions", Strategic Direction, Vol. 33 No. 6, pp. 29-31.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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