
Emotion in Organizations

ISBN: 978-1-83797-251-7, eISBN: 978-1-83797-250-0

ISSN: 1746-9791

Publication date: 29 January 2024


(2024), "Prelims", Ashkanasy, N.M., Troth, A.C. and Humphrey, R.H. (Ed.) Emotion in Organizations (Research on Emotion in Organizations, Vol. 19), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xviii.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Neal M. Ashkanasy, Ashlea C. Troth and Ronald H. Humphrey. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited

Half Title Page

Emotion in Organizations

Series Title Page

Research on Emotion in Organizations

Series Editors: Neal M. Ashkanasy, Ashlea C. Troth and Ronald H. Humphrey

Recent Volumes

Volume 1: The Effect of Affect in Organizational Settings. Edited by Neal M. Ashkanasy, Wilfred J. Zerbe and Charmine E. J. Härtel
Volume 2: Individual and Organizational Perspectives on Emotion Management and Display. Edited by Wilfred J. Zerbe, Neal M. Ashkanasy and Charmine E. J. Härtel
Volume 3: Functionality, Intentionality and Morality. Edited by Wilfred J. Zerbe, Neal M. Ashkanasy and Charmine E. J. Härtel
Volume 4: Emotions, Ethics and Decision-Making. Edited by Wilfred J. Zerbe, Charmine E. J. Härtel and Neal M. Ashkanasy
Volume 5: Emotions in Groups, Organizations and Cultures. Edited by Charmine E. J. Härtel, Neal M. Ashkanasy and Wilfred J. Zerbe
Volume 6: Emotions and Organizational Dynamism. Edited by Wilfred J. Zerbe, Charmine E. J. Härtel and Neal M. Ashkanasy
Volume 7: What Have We Learned? Ten Years On. Edited by Charmine E. J. Härtel, Neal M. Ashkanasy and Wilfred J. Zerbe
Volume 8: Experiencing and Managing Emotions in the Workplace. Edited by Neal M. Ashkanasy, Charmine E. J. Härtel and Wilfred J. Zerbe
Volume 9: Individual Sources, Dynamics, and Expressions of Emotion. Edited by Wilfred J. Zerbe, Neal M. Ashkanasy and Charmine E. J. Härtel
Volume 10: Emotions and the Organizational Fabric. Edited by Neal M. Ashkanasy, Wilfred J. Zerbe and Charmine E. J. Härtel
Volume 11: New Ways of Studying Emotion in Organizations. Edited by Charmine E. J. Härtel, Wilfred J. Zerbe and Neal M. Ashkanasy
Volume 12: Emotions and Organizational Governance. Edited by Neal M. Ashkanasy, Charmine E. J. Härtel and Wilfred J. Zerbe
Volume 13: Emotions and Identity. Edited by Wilfred J. Zerbe, Charmine E. J. Härtel, Neal M. Ashkanasy and Laura Petitta
Volume 14: Individual, Relational, and Contextual Dynamics of Emotions. Edited by Laura Petitta, Charmine E. J. Härtel, Neal M. Ashkanasy and Wilfred J. Zerbe
Volume 15: Emotions and Leadership. Edited by Neal M. Ashkanasy, Wilfred J. Zerbe and Charmine E. J. Härtel
Volume 16: Emotions and Service in the Digital Age. Edited by Charmine Härtel, Wilfred J. Zerbe and Neal M. Ashkanasy
Volume 17: Emotions and Negativity. Edited by Ronald H. Humphrey, Neal M. Ashkanasy and Ashlea C. Troth
Volume 18: Emotions During Times of Disruption. Edited by Ashlea C. Troth, Neal M. Ashkanasy and Ronald H. Humphrey

Title Page

Research on Emotion in Organizations Volume 19

Emotion in Organizations: A Coat of Many Colors

Edited by

Neal M. Ashkanasy

The University of Queensland, Australia

Ashlea C. Troth

Griffith University, Australia


Ronald H. Humphrey

Lancaster University Management School, UK

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

Emerald Publishing, Floor 5, Northspring, 21-23 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL

First edition 2024

Editorial matter and selection © 2024 Neal M. Ashkanasy, Ashlea C. Troth and Ronald H. Humphrey.

Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.

Individual chapters © 2024 by Emerald Publishing Limited.

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalog record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 978-1-83797-251-7 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-83797-250-0 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-83797-252-4 (Epub)

ISSN: 1746-9791 (Series)


The Editors would like to dedicate this Volume to three notable scholars who passed away between 2022 and 2023.

Sigal Barsade left us on February 07, 2022, aged 56. Sigal will be remembered especially for her work on emotional contagion in teams. Her brilliant contributions to the literature on emotion in organizations helped to shape the field.

Howard M. (Howie) Weiss passed away on February 20, 2023, aged 80. He was one of the authors of Affective Events Theory, which features in this volume. His impact on the study of emotions in organizational settings cannot be overstated.

Cynthia (Cindy) Gallois left us on June 08, 2023, aged 77. Cindy was Neal Ashkanasy's PhD Supervisor and Ashlea Troth's Associate PhD Supervisor. She is remembered for her work in developing Communication Accommodation Theory. We thank Cindy for her incisive brilliance and lifelong support and friendship.

About the Authors

Mahsa Amirzadeh graduated with a PhD from The University of Queensland in 2023. Mahsa holds an MSc in Organizational Behavior from Tarbiat Modares University and a BA in Marketing from the University of Tehran. Her research interests include workplace rejection, employees' values, emotional intelligence, negative feedback in workplace context, and cross-cultural research. She has presented her research at domestic and international conferences and published a number of book chapters on these constructs.

Benjamin Apelojg, PhD, is a scientific employee at the University of Potsdam in Potsdam, Germany. He studied Business Administration at the Free University of Berlin and did his doctorate on the influence of emotions for personnel selection decisions at the University of Potsdam. He has held visiting Professorships in the field of economic education in Magdeburg, Chemnitz, and Lüneburg. His research focuses on needs, emotions, and the importance of the body in learning settings. He developed a body integrative learning theory and a corresponding didactic concept which is published in the book Körper, Geist und Schule. Eine Entdeckungsreise zum lebendigen Lernen (Body, Soul and School. A Journey of Discovery for Living Learning).

Neal M. Ashkanasy OAM, PhD, is an Emeritus Professor of Management in the UQ Business School at The University of Queensland, Australia. He studies emotion in organizations, leadership, culture, ethical behavior, and the physical environment of work. He has published in journals such as the Academy of Management Journal and Review, the Journal of Management, and the Journal of Applied Psychology. He served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Associate Editor for the Academy of Management Review and Academy of Management Learning & Education. He is currently an Associate Editor for Emotion Review and Series Editor for Research on Emotion in Organizations. He is the founder and administrator of the Emonet Listserv. In 2017, he was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) and in 2019 he was named the Academy of Management's Managerial and Organizational Psychology Division Distinguished Scholar. He retired from full-time employment in 2023.

Rebecca Dickason is an Associate Professor at the IGR-IAE Graduate School of Management and at the Center for Research in Economics and Management (University of Rennes, France). She specialized in Organizational Behavior and Management before studying Public Health at the French School of Public Health (EHESP) in parallel to writing her PhD dissertation. As a keen observer of healthcare settings for many years, she has explored the emotional labor of hospital healthcare professionals diversely, through the prisms of time, space, and rules, and how they intertwine. Emotions are the cornerstone of her research topics which comprise emotional processes and competencies at work, occupational health, care quality, organizational resilience, and remote working.

Wayne Graham, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer, Management and Head of Campus, Caboolture, University of the Sunshine Coast. Wayne's research interests are in the areas of strategic management and leadership with a particular focus on small businesses in the health sector. Wayne's doctorate investigated the relationship between planning and action and how leaders and managers account for variations to the plan that emerges during organizational planning cycles. Wayne has supervised eight higher degree research students to completion and published his research in peer reviewed journals including the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Australian Journal of Primary Health, Journal of Health Organization and Management, International Journal of Educational Management, and the International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership.

Christophe Haag, PhD, is a Professor of organizational behavior at Emlyon Business School in France. His research focuses on emotional intelligence, emotions, luck, and intuition. He studies atypical populations such as astronauts, film directors, treasure hunters, artists, survivors of aviation accidents, explorers, CAC 40 CEOs, magicians, and others. He is the author of several bestselling books in France and the co-author of the QEPro, an ability measure of emotional intelligence for managers. Christophe regularly speaks in the media.

Henri Hakala is a Professor of Entrepreneurship at the School of Business and Management (LBM) at LUT University, Finland. His research interests are within entrepreneurship, small business management, strategy as well as sustainable entrepreneurship. His research has appeared in journals such as Journal of Management, Journal of Small Business Management, Small Business Economics, International Journal of Management Reviews, and Long Range Planning.

David Hampton-Musseau, MSc, is a doctoral candidate and Teaching Assistant in management science at the University of Toulouse Capitole (TSM-R lab), focusing on Organizational Behavior (OB), Affective Experience, Emotions, and Leadership. His research delves into abusive supervision (AS) and its impact on employees' affective experience, specifically focusing on emotional regulation and understanding. Through models that consider employees' perceptions of AS and the role of Emotional Expertise, they aim to shed light on the underlying mechanisms and boundary conditions for affective experiences. His work contributes to our understanding of leadership, ethics, and the importance of trust and personal consideration in fostering well-being and meaningful workplaces. With over 20 years of professional executive experience, David Hampton-Musseau holds a BSc in Physical Sciences, MA in Sports and Leisure and Administration, and MPhil and MSc in Organizational Behavior from various esteemed French Universities.

Hamidreza Harati, MA, is a PhD candidate at the UQ Business School, The University of Queensland, Australia. Before starting his PhD, he worked as a senior management consultant for six years. His research interests circle around human resource management, organizational behavior, and culture topics. Thereby, he focuses on areas such as performance evaluation, feedback, social comparison theory, goal-setting theory, as well as regional cultural differences. To test his hypotheses, he applies a combination of different quantitative research methods including surveys, experimental analysis, and archival data from organizations and professional reports.

Ronald H. Humphrey is a Distinguished Professor of Leadership at Lancaster University (UK). Ron is dedicated to helping people develop an empathic, authentic, and emotionally intelligent leadership style. He and his team have gathered the largest amount of independent evidence on the validity of emotional intelligence in the workplace. He is among the top scholars in the world as measured by citations according to keywords listed on Google Scholar Profiles (for emotional labor, ranked 3rd, for empathy, ranked 5th, for emotional intelligence, ranked 11th, and for the overall category of organizational behavior he is among the top 50 most cited researchers). He has been recognized for co-writing seminal articles on emotional labor and on emotions in the workplace, and his co-written research was cited by President Reagan during a State of the Union address. He has written, edited, or co-edited five books (one forthcoming), including Effective Leadership (Sage, 2013, ISBN: 9781412963558).

Meredith Lawley is a Professor (Marketing) in the School of Business and Creative Industries at the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC). Her PhD and early research were around how international students choose destinations for education, while more recently she has researched and published widely in food and agribusiness, including 7 years as the Lead for Consumer Insights in the Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre. She has successfully supervised 27 doctoral candidates in a wide variety of business disciplines using a variety of methodologies, has a H-index of 26, and has published over 40 refereed journal articles.

Katie McIntyre is a Sessional Academic and PhD Candidate in the School of Business and Creative Industries at the University of the Sunshine Coast. In addition, she undertakes consultancy work specializing in nonprofit organizations. Her research focuses on various areas, including the role of emotions and leadership, particularly joyful leadership, which is the topic of her PhD research. In addition, Katie is involved in multiple research projects including research on entrepreneurship, nonprofit leadership, vulnerability and social impact. She also has extensive experience in leadership in the education and nonprofit sector and teaches at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Management and Human Resource Management. Katie has presented her work at multiple conferences and published in peer review journals as well as publishing industry reports in the nonprofit sector.

Chao Miao, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Management in the Department of Management, Franklin P. Perdue School of Business, Salisbury University. His research focuses on emotion, entrepreneurship, leadership, personality, cross-culture, performance, and meta-analysis. He has published in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Human Resource Management Review, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of World Business, Marketing Letters, Personality and Individual Differences, Small Business Economics, World Development, and other journals.

Rory Mulcahy, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the University of the Sunshine Coast. His research focuses on various areas, including the role of emotions, experiences of vulnerability, digital technology, and well-being. Rory has made significant contributions to his field, with over 40 of his research articles published in renowned international journals such as the Journal of Service Research, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Services Marketing, and Journal of Marketing Management, among others. His exceptional work has been recognized through multiple best paper awards in reputable journals and at international conferences.

Hieu Nguyen completed his PhD in Management at the University of Queensland. His dissertation deals with the effect of social dispersion on how individuals and teams respond to abusive supervision. Hieu holds a bachelor's in psychology from Queensland University of Technology, where he graduated with first class honors. His research interests span the fields of leadership, emotions, and teamwork.

Stacey Parker, Assoc Prof, is an Organizational Psychologist and Academic in the School of Psychology at the University of Queensland, Australia. Her research aims to help organizations and their employees devise new strategies to work healthier while still being productive. More specifically, she studies how employees manage their energy during work, how employees recover from work stress in off-the-job time, and how jobs and careers can be designed to maximize well-being, motivation, and performance. She has explored this phenomenon in a range of high-performance settings (e.g., small business owners, professional musicians, elite athletes, and safety critical work in healthcare and transport industries). Her consulting and advisory work has included tackling issues with selection and recruitment, training and development, career management, work design, change management, and operational safety. She serves on the Editorial Boards for the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology and the European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology.

Anthony Silard, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Leadership and the Director of the Center for Sustainable Leadership at Luiss Business School in Rome and the Distinguished Visiting Professor of Leadership at Tecnológico de Monterrey. Anthony has published in numerous research journals including Journal of Management, Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly and Review of Managerial Science. His most recent book is Screened In: The Art of Living Free in the Digital Age. Anthony holds a PhD in leadership from IESE Business School, which he received with First-Class/Excellent Distinction. He also holds a Master in Public Policy focused on leadership from Harvard University and has received two of Harvard's most prestigious awards, the Robert F. Kennedy Public Service Award and the Manuel Carballo Memorial Award. His research areas include leadership, emotion, loneliness, secondary trauma and technology-mediated communication.

Kirsi Snellman is a music loving explorer, researcher and project coordinator with two affiliations: The School of Business and Management (LBM) at LUT University, Finland and University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Business School. Her research interests include emotions, creativity, and responsible decision-making. Her research also involves projects on responsible innovation and responsible angel investing. She has gained deep practical experience (20 years) from creative entrepreneurship and leadership of creative processes. Her research has been published in journals such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, and International Small Business Journal.

Ashlea C. Troth is a Professor of Organizational Behavior in the Department of Employment Relations and Human Resources at the Griffith Business School. She is also the Deputy Director of the Centre for Work, Organization and Wellbeing (WOW). Ashlea gained her Master of Organizational Psychology at Griffith University and her PhD in psychology at the University of Queensland. Dr Troth's research interests include multilevel and multi-method approaches to examining emotional regulation and emotional intelligence in workplaces, and the impact of these phenomena on well-being and performance outcomes. She is also interested in the day-to-day work experiences of frontline managers and the role of their emotional regulation strategies on well-being when performing a range of tasks. She has extensive consulting experience and has published in leading journals such as the Journal of Organizational Behavior, The Leadership Quarterly, and Human Resource Management.

Katja Upadyaya is an Associate Professor (docent) and Lecturer at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland. Her research interests include occupational and academic well-being, motivation, research methodology, and lifelong learning. She is also conducting research on teacher–student and parent–child interaction, and teachers' and school principals' well-being. Currently she is conducting research on students' situational experiences while learning, socio-emotional skills, and parental burnout.

Paulina Wojciechowska-Dzięcielak, MSc Eng, is a PhD student at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business in Wrocław, Poland (Department of Organization and Management Theory). Her research interests are organizational phenomena, in particular perceived organizational justice (considering its various dimensions) and employees' attitudes toward an organization. She conducts research with the participation of academic staff of international universities. Her dissertation deals with the perception of justice in the context of tacit and explicit knowledge sharing and Leader–Member Exchange. She particularly looks into how fairness shapes academic's eagerness to share their expertise and experience in order to voluntarily support other researchers' careers.

Marion Wolff has a PhD in Cognitive Science with a specialization in Geometric Data Analysis and Discourse Analysis. She also holds a PhD in Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering. She was an Assistant Professor at the University Paris Descartes (Université de Paris), Director of the Master of Ergonomics. She is now an Associate Researcher attached to the Human Factors for Interactive Technologies Platform “PEPSS” at the Institute of Technology “ESTIA.” Her current research topics focus on cognitive process modeling, prospective ergonomics, human behavior modeling in relation to innovative concepts or new technological systems, in particular for the aeronautical industry and the French Army.

About the Editors

Neal M. Ashkanasy OAM, PhD, is an Emeritus Professor of Management in the UQ Business School at The University of Queensland, Australia. He studies emotion in organizations, leadership, culture, ethical behavior, and the physical environment of work. He has published in journals such as the Academy of Management Journal and Review, the Journal of Management, and the Journal of Applied Psychology. He served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Associate Editor for the Academy of Management Review and Academy of Management Learning & Education. He is currently an Associate Editor for Emotion Review and Series Editor for Research on Emotion in Organizations. He is the founder and administrator of the Emonet Listserv. In 2017, he was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM)’ and in 2019 he was named the Academy of Management's Managerial and Organizational Psychology Division Distinguished Scholar. He retired from full-time employment in 2023.

Ashlea C. Troth is a Professor of Organizational Behavior in the Department of Employment Relations and Human Resources at the Griffith Business School. She is also the Deputy Director of the Centre for Work, Organization and Wellbeing (WOW). Ashlea gained her Master of Organizational Psychology at Griffith University and her PhD in psychology at the University of Queensland. Dr Troth's research interests include multilevel and multi-method approaches to examining emotional regulation and emotional intelligence in workplaces, and the impact of these phenomena on well-being and performance outcomes. She is also interested in the day-to-day work experiences of frontline managers and the role of their emotional regulation strategies on well-being when performing a range of tasks. She has extensive consulting experience and has published in leading journals such as the Journal of Organizational Behavior, The Leadership Quarterly, and Human Resource Management.

Ronald H. Humphrey is a Distinguished Professor of Leadership at Lancaster University (UK). Ron is dedicated to helping people develop an empathic, authentic, and emotionally intelligent leadership style. He and his team have gathered the largest amount of independent evidence on the validity of emotional intelligence in the workplace. He is among the top scholars in the world as measured by citations according to keywords listed on Google Scholar Profiles (for emotional labor, ranked 3rd, for empathy, ranked 5th, for emotional intelligence, ranked 11th, and for the overall category of organizational behavior he is among the top 50 most cited researchers). He has been recognized for co-writing seminal articles on emotional labor and on emotions in the workplace, and his co-written research was cited by President Reagan during a State of the Union address. He has written, edited, or co-edited five books (one forthcoming), including Effective Leadership (Humphrey, 2013).