
Religion, Humility, and Democracy in a Divided America

ISBN: 978-1-78973-950-3, eISBN: 978-1-78973-949-7

ISSN: 0198-8719

Publication date: 5 August 2019


(2019), "Prelims", Religion, Humility, and Democracy in a Divided America (Political Power and Social Theory, Vol. 36), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xi.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited

Half Title Page


Series Page


Series Editor: Julian Go

Political Power and Social Theory is a peer-reviewed journal committed to advancing the interdisciplinary understanding of the linkages between political power, social relations, and historical development. The journal welcomes both empirical and theoretical work and is willing to consider papers of substantial length. Publication decisions are made by the editor in consultation with members of the editorial board and anonymous reviewers. For information on submissions, and a full list of volumes, please see the journal website at

Recent Volumes:

Volume 22: Rethinking Obama, 2011
Volume 23: Political Power and Social Theory, 2012
Volume 24: Postcolonial Sociology, 2013
Volume 25: Decentering Social Theory, 2013
Volume 26: The United States in Decline, 2014
Volume 27: Fields of Knowledge: Science, Politics and Publics in the Neoliberal Age, 2014
Volume 28: Patrimonial Capitalism and Empire, 2015
Volume 29: Chartering Capitalism: Organizing Markets, States, and Publics, 2015
Volume 30: Perverse Politics? Feminism, Anti-imperialism, Multiplicity, 2016
Volume 31: Postcolonial Sociologies: A Reader, 2016
Volume 32: International Origins of Social and Political Theory, 2017
Volume 33: Rethinking the Colonial State, 2017
Volume 34: Critical Realism, History and Philosophy in the Social Sciences, 2018
Volume 35: Gendering Struggles Against Informal and Precarious Work, 2018

Senior Editorial Board

  • Ronald Aminzade

    University of Minnesota

  • Eduardo Bonilla-Silva

    Duke University

  • Michael Burawoy

    University of California-Berkeley

  • Nitsan Chorev

    Brown University

  • Diane E. Davis

    Harvard University

  • Peter Evans

    University of California-Berkeley

  • Julian Go

    Boston University

  • Eiko Ikegami

    New School University Graduate Faculty

  • Howard Kimeldorf

    University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

  • George Lawson

    London School of Economics

  • Daniel Slater

    University of Michigan

  • George Steinmetz

    University of Michigan

  • Maurice Zeitlin

    University of California-Los Angeles

Student Editorial Board

  • Ladin Bayurgil

    Boston University

  • Emily Bryant

    Boston University

  • Rebecca Farber

    Boston University

  • Patricia Ward

    Boston University

  • Jake Watson

    Boston University

  • Alexandre White

    Boston University

Title Page





University of Connecticut, USA

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK

First edition 2019

Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 978-1-78973-950-3 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-78973-949-7 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-78973-951-0 (Epub)

ISSN: 0198-8719 (Series)

List of Figures and Tables

Chapter 4
Fig. 1. Evangelical Field of Power (Medvetz, 2012). 87
Chapter 4
Table 1. Crosstab of Evangelical Self-identification on Religious Tradition (RelTrad). 85
Table 2. Openness to Error. 89
Table 3. Epistemological Superiority. 90
Table 4. Other Religions’ Possession of Some Truth. 90
Table 5. Sources of Religious Truth. 91
Table 6. Epistemic and Moral Peers. 91

About the Contributors

Guest Editor

Ruth Braunstein is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Connecticut. She is the author of Prophets and Patriots: Faith in Democracy across the Political Divide (2017, University of California Press) and coeditor of Religion and Progressive Activism: New Stories About Faith and Politics (2017, NYU Press). Her research has also been published in the American Sociological Review, the American Journal of Cultural Sociology, Contexts, the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Sociology of Religion, Theory and Society, and Qualitative Sociology, among other outlets.


Philip S. Gorski is a Professor of Sociology at Yale University.

Jeffrey Guhin is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at UCLA. His research interests include culture, theory, education, and religion.

John Hartley is a Sociologist and Social Theorist at Yale University. His work concentrates on public religion’s interaction with culture, politics, and social conflict. Its substantive emphasis is on relations between more theologically conservative Muslims, Christians, and their pluralistic environments. His recent work focuses on Iran, SE Asia, and the United States.

Wes Markofski is an Assistant Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Carleton College. He is the author of New Monasticism and the Transformation of American Evangelicalism (Oxford University Press) and his recent work has been published in Religion & American Culture, Sociology of Religion, and The Immanent Frame.

Dawne Moon teaches Sociology at Marquette University. She studies religion, gender, sexuality, emotions, culture, and qualitative methods.

Theresa W. Tobin teaches Philosophy at Marquette University. She researches the nature and moral significance of spiritual violence and the role of emotions in political life.

Richard L. Wood’s work on the cultural/institutional underpinnings of democracy includes A Shared Future: Faith-Based Organizing for Racial Equity and Ethical Democracy (2015) and Faith in Action (2002). Wood serves as Senior Vice Provost and Coeditor of a book series, Cambridge Studies of Social Theory, Religion, and Politics at Cambridge University Press.