Authenticity matters: investigating virtual tours’ impact on curiosity and museum visit intentions
This study aims to investigate the impact of virtual museum tours on intentions to visit on-site museums. Furthermore, the role of an authentic virtual tour experience and its drivers is examined.
The results of two studies, a field study in collaboration with one of the most renowned museums in Austria (n = 227) and an online survey (n = 153), were analyzed with a series of mediation models.
Visual appeal and narrative quality were significant drivers of an authentic virtual tour experience. Curiosity mediated the positive effect of virtual tour usage intention on on-site museum visit intention.
Although virtual reality has been considered a promising marketing tool in tourism, no research has explored the drivers of an authentic virtual tour experience. The findings of this study not only add new insights into the role of a virtual tour’s visual appeal and narrative quality in generating authentic experience and thus prompting virtual tour usage intentions but also demonstrate that virtual tours positively impact on-site visit intentions driven by curiosity.
The authors thank their partners from the Albertina Museum Vienna for their cooperation and support with the data collection.
Chekembayeva, G. and Garaus, M. (2024), "Authenticity matters: investigating virtual tours’ impact on curiosity and museum visit intentions", Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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