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Crisis as a plague on organisation: Defoe and A Journal of the Plague Year

Deborah Knowles (Westminster Business School, University of Westminster, London, UK)
Damian William Ruth (Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand)
Clare Hindley (Internationale Fachhochschule Bad Honnef-Bonn, Bad Honnef, Germany)

Journal of Organizational Change Management

ISSN: 0953-4814

Article publication date: 28 October 2019




The purpose of this paper is to enrich the understanding of current models of organisational response to crises and offer additional perspectives on some of these models. It is also intended to confirm the value of fiction as a truth-seeking and hermeneutic device for enriching the imagination.


The study uses Daniel Defoe’s 1722 novel A Journal of the Plague Year to draw parallels between his portrayal of the London Great Plague of 1665 and the management of modern-day crises. Defoe uses London’s ordeal of the Great Plague to advise those subjected to future crises. Through his representation of plague-ridden streets, Defoe shows stakeholders acting in ways described in current crisis management literature.


The authors note how the management of the Plague crisis was unsuccessful and they challenge the very idea of managing a true crisis. The authors are able to illustrate and offer refinements to the Pearson and Clair (1998) and Janes (2010) models of crisis management as well as confirming the value of their constructs across a lapse of centuries.

Research limitations/implications

Although it is an examination of a single novel, the findings suggest value in conceptualising organisational crises in innovative and more imaginative ways.


It confirms the heuristic value of using fiction to understand organisational change and adds value to current models.



Knowles, D., Ruth, D.W. and Hindley, C. (2019), "Crisis as a plague on organisation: Defoe and A Journal of the Plague Year", Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 32 No. 6, pp. 640-649.



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