Digital voice-of-customer processing by topic modelling algorithms: insights to validate empirical results

Federico Barravecchia (Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP), Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy)
Luca Mastrogiacomo (Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP), Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy)
Fiorenzo Franceschini (Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP), Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy)

International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management

ISSN: 0265-671X

Article publication date: 30 November 2021

Issue publication date: 19 May 2022




Digital voice-of-customer (digital VoC) analysis is gaining much attention in the field of quality management. Digital VoC can be a great source of knowledge about customer needs, habits and expectations. To this end, the most popular approach is based on the application of text mining algorithms named topic modelling. These algorithms can identify latent topics discussed within digital VoC and categorise each source (e.g. each review) based on its content. This paper aims to propose a structured procedure for validating the results produced by topic modelling algorithms.


The proposed procedure compares, on random samples, the results produced by topic modelling algorithms with those generated by human evaluators. The use of specific metrics allows to make a comparison between the two approaches and to provide a preliminary empirical validation.


The proposed procedure can address users of topic modelling algorithms in validating the obtained results. An application case study related to some car-sharing services supports the description.


Despite the vast success of topic modelling-based approaches, metrics and procedures to validate the obtained results are still lacking. This paper provides a first practical and structured validation procedure specifically employed for quality-related applications.



Barravecchia, F., Mastrogiacomo, L. and Franceschini, F. (2022), "Digital voice-of-customer processing by topic modelling algorithms: insights to validate empirical results", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 39 No. 6, pp. 1453-1470.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021, Federico Barravecchia, Luca Mastrogiacomo and Fiorenzo Franceschini


Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at

1. Introduction

The term Web 2.0 generically indicates the second phase of development and diffusion of the internet, characterised by a substantial increase in the interaction between site and user: greater participation of users, who often also become authors (blogs, chats, forums, wikis); more efficient sharing of information, which can be more easily retrieved and exchanged with peer to peer tools or with multimedia content dissemination systems; affirmation of social networks (Tirunillai and Tellis, 2014).

Digital voice-of-customer (digital VoC), such as blogs, social media posts and online reviews, has achieved resounding success as a source of information because it is free, easily accessible and trustworthy (Özdağoğlu et al., 2018). Digital VoC proved to represent a promising alternative to customer interviews as a source of helpful information to identify consumer needs (Barravecchia et al., 2020a, b; Mastrogiacomo et al., 2021).

Data mining and machine learning techniques make it possible to analyse large corpora of digital VoC to extrapolate the most relevant information, avoiding the impossible task of human reading and interpretation. Digital VoC often consists of unstructured textual information. For this reason, one of the most commonly implemented data mining techniques in these contexts is topic modelling. Topic modelling approaches are based on machine learning algorithms that can detect latent topics running through a collection of unstructured textual documents (Jelodar et al., 2019). Given an extensive set of documents, topic modelling algorithms deal with the problems of (1) identifying a set of topics that describe a text corpus (i.e. a collection of text documents from a variety of sources), (2) associating a set of keywords to each topic and (3) defining a specific mixture of these topics for each document (Roberts et al., 2019).

Most studies applying topic modelling algorithms on digital VoC only focused on the techniques used to extrapolate the topics, neglecting the critical issues related to the validation of the obtained results. This validation remains an open question, and a structured and shared approach is still lacking.

To close this gap, this paper investigates the following research question: How to validate the results of topic modelling algorithms employed for digital VoC analysis in quality applications?

Key elements of the novelty of this study are: (1) the exploration of the problem of validating the results of analyses based on a large corpus of digital VoC and (2) the proposal of a structured procedure for validating the results of topic modelling algorithms used in quality management applications.

The rest of the paper is organised into three sections. Section 2 presents the literature background. Section 3 introduces the proposed approach and an application case study. Finally, the concluding section summarises the original contributions of the paper focusing on theoretical and practical implications.

2. Background and literature review

2.1 Text mining and digital voice-of-customer

While industry faced its fourth industrial revolution, research on quality management also faced its own transformation to the new Quality 4.0 paradigm (Kannan and Garad, 2020; Zonnenshain and Kenett, 2020). The digitalisation of businesses generates unique opportunities for managing the quality of products and services (Sony et al., 2020). In this context, awareness of the value of data generated directly by users is growing.

Many papers in the literature have shown how digital VoC, in particular online reviews, can be used to understand consumer preferences and latent quality dimensions (Mastrogiacomo et al., 2021). Digital VoC is a valuable source of customer needs, and machine learning methods are likely to be more effective and efficient than conventional techniques (Özdağoğlu et al., 2018). Traditionally, the detection of determinants that influence the perception of quality has been supported by quantitative methods, primarily based on data obtained through questionnaires and interviews (DeVellis, 2016). Albeit firmly established, these methods are quite expensive in terms of people involved and time. The quality of findings stemming from the implementation of these methodologies depends on the respondent's willingness to participate and on the complexity of the questionnaire (Groves, 2006). In addition, the use of questionnaires suffers from several limitations, including: (1) the limited sample size of respondents, (2) expert bias in defining the initial pool of items and (3) potential errors included in responses (DeVellis, 2016).

An alternative way to identify latent quality determinants of a product or service may be through the analysis of digital VoC and, more specifically, online reviews, which can offer a low-cost, unbiased, and reliable source of information for understanding customer opinions, expectations, and requirements (Mastrogiacomo et al., 2021). This detection is based on the in-depth analysis of such data, leveraging text mining tools able to infer information from text documents written in a natural language (Aggarwal and Zhai, 2012). The fundamental logic of these approaches is that if a product or service feature is discussed (within the digital VoC), it is critical to the definition of the quality of the object under investigation. Most previous studies trying to leverage text mining tools to analyse digital VoC focused on keyword frequency and sentiment analysis (Bi et al., 2019; Liu, 2012). Few researchers applied topic modelling to identify quality determinants (Özdağoğlu et al., 2018; Tirunillai and Tellis, 2014).

2.2 Topic modelling algorithms

Text mining refers to the process of extracting interesting and non-trivial patterns or knowledge from unstructured text documents. Text mining processes usually consist of five phases: (1) document collection, (2) pre-processing of the texts, (3) preparation and selection of the data, (4) knowledge extraction and (5) evaluation and interpretation of the results (Mastrogiacomo et al., 2021). Within the vast family of text mining algorithms, topic modelling algorithms assume an essential role in analysing digital VoC for quality applications (Barravecchia et al., 2020a, b; Mastrogiacomo et al., 2021).

Topic modelling is a machine learning technique that allows extracting latent topics from a collection of unstructured textual documents (Blei et al., 2003; Carnerud, 2017).

Figure 1 represents the general functioning of a topic modelling algorithm. Given an extensive collection of documents from a variety of sources (in the figure indicated as d1, … , dn), topic modelling algorithms deal with the problems of:

  1. Identifying a set of topics that describe a text corpus (i.e. the collection of text documents);

  2. Associating a set of keywords to each topic (φ: topical content); and

  3. Defining a specific mixture of these topics for each document (ϑ: topical prevalence) (Blei et al., 2003).

In recent years, a variety of topic modelling algorithms have been developed. The most diffused are the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) (Blei et al., 2003), the hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP) (Teh et al., 2004), the structural topic model (STM) (Roberts et al., 2019) and many other non-parametric models based on the Dirichlet process (Jelodar et al., 2019).

2.3 Topic model validation

Validation is a crucial step in the development of a model because it establishes the trustworthiness of the obtained result. The importance of this activity is often underestimated, although the results of topic modelling can guide further decisions, including strategic ones.

Despite the importance of validating the results of topic modelling algorithms, there remains a paucity of a practical methodology for this purpose. A variety of metrics and criteria have been proposed (Wallach et al., 2009), but standardised procedures to evaluate the outputs of a topic modelling algorithm are still lacking (Chang et al., 2009; Kobayashi et al., 2018).

Several automatic metrics have been suggested to assess the performance of topic modelling algorithms, of which predictive metrics are likely to be the most popular. Predictive metrics are calculated by developing the topic model using a set of documents, the so-called training set, and testing the model's reliability by applying it on a set of unseen documents, the so-called test set. Usually, 90% of the available documents are part of the training set, and the remaining 10% is part of the test set. The most commonly used predictive metric is the so-called “held-out likelihood”. Held-out likelihood measures how likely some new unseen text documents are provided by the model that was learned earlier (Wang et al., 2012). The range of the held-out likelihood is (,0 ]. The higher this value, the more statistically strong the developed topic model is.

Other automatic metrics to evaluate the performance of topic modelling algorithms are:

  1. Semantic coherence, i.e. the average semantic relatedness between topic words (Newman et al., 2010). Semantically coherent topics are intended as composed of words that should co-occur within the same document. Semantic coherence measures whether a topic is internally consistent (Mimno et al., 2011; Roberts et al., 2014). Semantic coherence ranges in the interval (,0]. The higher the semantic coherence value, the more semantically consistent the identified latent topics are.

  2. Exclusivity, i.e. a metric that measures the extent to which the top words for each topic do not appear as top words in other topics. In detail, if words with high probability under topic i have low probabilities under other topics, then we say that topic i is exclusive. Exclusivity is defined in the range [0,+). The higher the exclusivity, the more distinct are the identified latent topics. A coherent and exclusive topic is more likely to be semantically valid (Bischof and Airoldi, 2012; Roberts et al., 2014).

The main strength of these assessments is that they can be calculated automatically without the need for human input. This allows using these metrics to set the input parameters of the topic models and automatically measure the output quality to select their optimal values. These metrics have also found wide application in comparing the performance of different topic modelling algorithms (Wallach et al., 2009). Automatic metrics allow to test the performance of different topic models in real time. On the other hand, the main weakness of this methodology is the fact that these criteria do not consider the semantic meaning of the topics, and consequently, they are not fully applicable for an assessment of the developed topic model.

Some preliminary works have begun to raise the issue of the quality of the results of these approaches, also proposing alternative solutions based on a supervised evaluation of the outcomes of topic modelling algorithms (Chang et al., 2009). Supervised criteria inherently require assessments by human evaluators and introduce evaluations based on comprehensibility, consistency of topics and document classifications. However, the major shortcoming of supervised methods is that they require a considerable amount of time and resources to be employed.

Chang et al. (2009) demonstrated that automatic criteria do not adequately capture whether topics are coherent or not, and that topic models that perform better on held-out likelihood may infer less semantically meaningful topics. Chang et al. (2009) also introduced two supervised metrics: (1) word intrusion, i.e. how well the inferred topics match human concepts; (2) topic intrusion, i.e. how well a topic model assigns topics to documents.

Costa et al. (2007) propose a series of metrics to assess the performance of classifier algorithms. Their work suggests tracing the problem back to a binary classification problem and identifying when the object (in our case the document) has been correctly or incorrectly classified (true positive, true negative, false positive, false negative). On the basis of these supervised evaluations, it is possible to calculate performance metrics (accuracy rate, error rate, precision, specificity, etc.).

Table 1 compares some characteristics of the automatic and supervised validation criteria. In detail, the main differences are: (1) the automation of the validation process, possible with automatic criteria and not feasible for supervised approaches; and (2) the quality of the final outcome, only supervised criteria take into account the semantics of the analysed texts and the intelligibility of the identified topic.

In short, the literature offers two main potential approaches. The first is based on automatic validation criteria (i.e. unsupervised). Such approach can be adopted when verification times need to be reduced (e.g. optimisation of the model's parameters). The second relies on supervised evaluation. These approaches are preferable when evidence of the quality of the topic model is required. Some supervised-based criteria have already been proposed in the literature. However, a formal procedure for the supervised validation of the outcomes of topic modelling algorithms is still missing. The objective of this paper is, therefore, to try to fill this gap. The following section introduces an empirical methodology for validating the results of topic modelling algorithms based on the assessment of human evaluators.

3. The proposed methodology

This section aims to provide a practical methodology to support users of topic modelling algorithms to validate obtained results.

The validation procedure is organised in four steps (Figure 2): (1) Sample extraction and human topic assignment, (2) automatic topic assignment, (3) comparison of results and (4) metrics calculation. Table 2 summarises the main inputs and outputs of the four steps.

The following subsections detail the aforementioned steps. The description of a simple case study accompanies the description of the method.

3.1 Application case

The case study concerns the analysis of digital VoC regarding car-sharing services (Mastrogiacomo et al., 2021). Analysed data are reviews retrieved in December 2019 from different review aggregators: Yelp, Google, Trustpilot, Facebook and Play Store. Reviews were published from January 2010 to December 2019. Only English-language reviews were selected, with a total of almost 17,000 reviews from 22 car-sharing providers (Car2go, DriveNow, Maven, Zipcar, Goget), operating in three different countries (USA, Canada, and UK). STM has been applied for the identification of topics (Roberts et al., 2019). Using the held-out likelihood criteria, the optimal number of identified topics was 20. The graph in Figure 3 shows the values of the held-out likelihood as a function of T (from 5 to 100). From the graph, we can observe that starting from a value of T equal to 20, there is an almost stationary held-out likelihood.

Table 3 reports the topics described by the keywords and the corresponding assigned labels.

3.2 Sample extraction and human topic assignment

The first step in the procedure regards the extraction of a random sample n of documents, subsequently categorised by a human evaluator. The value of n should be high enough to allow a reliable validation of the results, but at the same time, it should not be too high to avoid an excessive workload for the human evaluators. In practice, a value of n=100 can be considered sufficient to obtain good results and is also convenient for human topic assignments.

The proposed supervised approach requires that the extracted sample of digital VoC to be read and classified by human evaluators. This assessment can be carried out by one or more subjects. Its robustness increases with the number and the agreement of subject involved. Each evaluator is required to carefully read the extracted sample of digital VoC and classify the content of each document according to the labels of the identified quality determinants (Table 3). Using the label list of quality determinants allows concurrently validating both the generated topical prevalence distributions (for each document) and the list of quality determinants labels. To comply with the underlying assumption of topic modelling algorithms – according to which each document may contain a mix of different topics – the evaluator is required to identify one or more quality determinants discussed within the document. If the content of the analysed digital VoC is unclear or non-classifiable, the human evaluator may also report the absence of a quality determinant.

Table 4 shows some examples of topic assignments performed for the proposed case study.

3.3 Automatic topic assignment

The topic modelling algorithm assigns each document a multinomial distribution that describes the probability that the identified topics are discussed within the document, the so-called topical prevalence. Given the multinomial distribution produced by the algorithm, it is necessary to identify which topics are most likely to be discussed in the document (i.e. automatic topic assignment).

There are no reference standards for automatic topic assignment to rely on, so different applications may use different rules. Table 5 reports the multinomial probability distributions assigned to the reviews shown in Table 4. Relevant topics can be selected according to three different strategies: highest probability, static threshold or the proposed dynamic threshold.

A considerable number of applications consider the topic with the highest probability as the representative topic of the document (Jelodar et al., 2019). However, this approach has some critical limitations since it contrasts with the underlying principle of topic modelling algorithms, according to which each document can discuss a mix of topics. Consider as an example the multinomial distribution related to Document 4 shown in Table 5. Topic 17 has a score of 0.21, while Topic 28 has a score of 0.20. The rule of maximum would only indicate Topic 17 as the only representative topic of the document.

An alternative approach is defining a static threshold above which the topic can be considered as representative. However, this approach also has shortcomings: relevant topics may not be identified or marginal topics may be indicated as relevant. Considering again the examples provided in Table 5, the fixed threshold set at 0.15 causes no topic to be identified in Document 2.

To overcome these limitations, we propose the adoption of a dynamic thresholds to identify the representative topics of a document. The dynamic threshold is better fitted to the distribution under consideration and consequently provides a more accurate identification of relevant topics.

The problem of identifying relevant topics can be traced back to the problem of identifying outliers in a distribution. A variety of methodologies are available to detect outliers in multinomial distribution (García-Heras et al., 1993). Given a non-normal multinomial distribution resulting from the application of topic modelling algorithms, we suggest the use of the Tukey fence non-parametric outlier detection method (Rousseeuw et al., 1999; Zijlstra et al., 2007). Values outside the upper Turkey fence were considered as outliers and such outliers were identified as topics discussed within the document.

For each multinomial distribution associated with the i-th document, data are sorted into ascending sequences to obtain Q1i and Q3i, i.e. the lower and upper quartile points. The difference between Q1i and Q3i, namely, inter-quartile range (IQRi), can be used to assess the dynamic threshold as follows:

(1)DTi=Q3i+(1.5 IQRi)

3.4 Comparison of results

It is then possible to compare the evaluations obtained in the previous step with the results generated by a topic modelling algorithm. The human topic assignment can act as a “golden” reference for the result of the topic modelling: for each review and topic, the four possible cases reported in the confusion matrix represented in Figure 4 can occur.

Table 6 shows some examples of comparisons between the evaluation by humans and by the topic model. For example, in Document 1, the two evaluations agree to identify topic 1 as the only topic discussed in the document. This provides one true positive and 19 true negatives. In Document 3, the human evaluation identified two topics, Topics 15 and 17, while the topic modelling algorithm identified Topics 11 and 17. This provides one true positive for Topic 17, one false positive for Topic 11, one false negative for Topic 15 and 16 true negatives. This operation is repeated for all the documents included in the extracted sample. Figure 5 reports the confusion matrix for the analysed case study (sample of four reviews).

3.5 Calculation of the validation metrics

Based on the comparison of the results obtained by the two methods of topic assignment (automatic and human), it is possible to calculate some validation metrics presented below and summarised in Figure 6 (Costa et al., 2007; Franceschini et al., 2019; Maria Navin and Pankaja, 2016; Zaki and McColl-Kennedy, 2020).

Accuracy evaluates the effectiveness of the algorithm by its percentage of correct predictions. It is defined as the ratio of correct predictions related to both the presence and non-presence of topics compared to the total observations. Accuracy can be calculated as follows:

  • i=1ntpi is the total number of true positives observed comparing human and automatic topic assignments,

  • i=1ntni is the total number of true negatives,

  • i=1nfpi is the total number of false positives,

  • i=1nfni is the total number of false negatives.

  • n is the sample size of the analysed records.

Precision (also called positive predictive value) is an estimate of the probability that a positive prediction is correct. It is the ratio between the correctly predicted positive observations (i.e. correctly predicted presence of topics) and the total predicted positive observations (i.e. correctly predicted presence and non-presence of topics). Precision can be calculated as:


Recall (also known as sensitivity) is the fraction of the total amount of relevant instances that were actually retrieved. In topic modelling analysis, recall represents the ratio between the correctly predicted topic and the total amount of predicted topics, either correctly and incorrectly. Recall can be calculated as:


More generally, recall is the complement to unity of the Type II error rate (β):


The F1 score is a measure of a test's accuracy, and it is calculated as the harmonic mean of precision and recall. This score takes both false positives and false negatives into account. The F1 score can be calculated as:


The fall-out (or false positive rate) is the proportion of all negatives yielding to positive test outcomes, i.e. the conditional probability of detecting a topic that in reality is not present. The fall-out can be calculated as:


The fall-out is equal to the significance level (α):


Complementarily, the Miss rate (or false-negative rate) is the proportion of positives that yield negative test outcomes, i.e. the conditional probability of not identifying a topic when it is present. Miss rate is equal to the Type II error rate (β). The Miss rate can be calculated as:


Specificity measures the proportion of true negatives. In topic modelling, it can be interpreted as the proportion of topics that are not identified because they are not actually present. Specificity can be calculated as:


The negative predictive value is the probability that the topic modelling algorithm will not detect a topic when it is not actually present. The negative predictive value can be calculated as:


The complement to the unity of the negative predictive value is the false omission rate that is the proportion of topics not detected when the topic was instead present. The false omission rate can be calculated as:


Finally, the false discovery rate is the proportion of erroneously identified topics compared to all identified topics. The false discovery rate can be calculated as:


Table 7 shows the values of the indicators related to the case study under analysis.

The goodness of validation results can be obtained by comparing the values of the validation metrics with desired target values (Table 8).

In addition to the supervised validation metrics, Table 7 reports the values of the automatic performance metrics calculated for the case study. Since no reference targets are defined, it is difficult to understand whether these values refer to a good performance. Held-out likelihood, for example, ranges between ├ (–∞, 0]. Even though we know that the higher the held-out likelihood, the better the behaviour is, in the absence of an absolute reference, we cannot easily discern whether that value is good or not. The same holds for the other automatic metrics. For these reasons, despite the wide use of these metrics as tools to calibrate some parameters of topic model algorithms, their application as validation metrics appears to be inadequate (Chang et al., 2009).

By contrast, the proposed metrics have a well-defined co-domain and specific target values (Table 8). This allows an immediate evaluation of the quality of the results obtained without the need for comparisons with other results or models. Moreover, the variety of the proposed metrics allows to evidence strengths and weaknesses of the developed model (e.g. errors resulting from lack of sensitivity or due to false topic detection).

3.6 Further consideration about validation metrics

Although the literature does not provide a gold standard concerning target values for these metrics, their calculation allows a preliminary assessment of the goodness of results. Table 8 shows the ranges, direction and target values for the proposed metrics.

Values distant from the targets listed in Table 8 generally indicate that the generated topic model does not adequately describe the semantic content of the analysed set of documents.

In the following, we report some corrective to be taken when the values of these metrics are not acceptable:

  1. Review of the labels assigned to the identified quality determinants. They are not representative of the identified topic.

  2. Review of the input parameters of the topic model algorithm. A non-optimal choice of the model input parameters (e.g. the number of topics) may lead to a bad categorisation of the content of documents that does not reflect the actual semantic content;

  3. Review of the considered covariates. It becomes important when topic modelling involves the joint analysis of text and metadata (e.g. in STM);

  4. Pertinence and adequacy of the analysed database. If the collection of digital VoC is highly heterogeneous in terms of typology and content, topic modelling can produce low-quality results.

4. Conclusions

The application of topic modelling algorithms in quality management is experiencing growing success. From their intrinsic design, topic modelling algorithms can be thought of as black boxes that receive as input textual data and produce as output a model capable of describing the semantic content (topics) of the analysed documents. The quality of the results is strongly influenced by the model parameters defined by the users, often using empirical procedures.

Automatic criteria generally applied to evaluate the performance of topic models (e.g. held-out likelihood) are not exhaustive and present several limitations (e.g. they do not consider the comprehensibility and the semantic of the topics). To overcome these limitations, it is necessary to rely on supervised criteria. Supervised approaches, based on human evaluations, are preferred whenever robust evidence of the quality of the results obtained is required.

This paper provides a first practical and structured procedure to validate the results of topic modelling algorithms specifically employed for quality-related applications. The proposed method is based on a comparison of the outputs produced automatically by topic modelling algorithms with those generated by human evaluators on a limited random sample of documents.

From a theoretical point of view, this paper proposes: (1) a practical method for compiling a confusion matrix helpful in comparing the results of automatic and human topic assignments; (2) the adoption of a dynamic threshold to automatically and rigorously determine which topics the algorithm identifies as relevant within each document; (3) a comprehensive set of metrics to allow comparison between the outputs of topic modelling algorithms and human-supervised classification.

From a practical point of view, this paper highlights the need for a supervised validation and proposes a structured procedure. This procedure can become a reference for all practitioners who must face the problem of empirical validating the results of an analysis of the digital VoC.

Future research steps will include implementing further experiments and applications to provide more evidence on the effectiveness of the proposed procedure.


Graphical representation of the functioning of topic modelling algorithms

Figure 1

Graphical representation of the functioning of topic modelling algorithms

Main steps of the proposed validation procedure

Figure 2

Main steps of the proposed validation procedure

Results of the held-out likelihood analysis to determine the optimal number of topics (ranging from 5 to 100)

Figure 3

Results of the held-out likelihood analysis to determine the optimal number of topics (ranging from 5 to 100)

Confusion matrix for topic modelling assignments

Figure 4

Confusion matrix for topic modelling assignments

Confusion matrix example

Figure 5

Confusion matrix example

Quality metrics for topic model validation

Figure 6

Quality metrics for topic model validation

Comparison between the automatic performance metrics and the supervised validation criteria

Automatic criteriaSupervised criteria
Required timeLowHigh
Fully automated evaluation processYesNo
Semantic evaluationNoYes
Need for human inputNoYes
Topic intelligibility evaluationNoYes
Suitable for setting model parametersYesNo
Sample sizeComplete databaseSample of documents

Input and output of the main steps of the proposed validation procedure

(I) SAMPLE EXTRACTION AND HUMAN TOPIC ASSIGNMENTDigital VoC collection + quality determinants labelsHuman topic assignment (each item of the sample is associated with one or more quality determinants)
(II) AUTOMATIC TOPIC ASSIGNMENTTopical prevalence distributionsAutomatic topic assignment (each item of the sample is associated with one or more quality determinants)
(III) RESULT COMPARISONHuman topic assignment + automatic topic assignmentConfusion matrix
(IV) VALIDATION METRICS CALCULATIONConfusion matrixValidation metrics

Topic keywords and topic labels

1Highest probHelp, phone, call, person, office, answer, numberCUSTOMER SERVICE (PHYSICAL OFFICE)
FREXHelp, office, staff, answer, phone, person, question
2Highest probDamage, report, accident, fault, member, enterprise, claimACCIDENT AND DAMAGES MANAGEMENT
FREXDamage, accident, minor, claim, deduct, fault, scratch
3Highest probSign, process, website, license, drive, driver, registrationREGISTRATION PROCESS
FREXLicense, application, registration, process, driver, website, sign
4Highest probCharge, fee, late, return, time, pay, hourCHARGES AND FEES
FREXFee, charge, late, return, dollar, extra, extend
5Highest probPark, lot, spot, find, ticket, street, spacePARKING AREAS
FREXPark, spot, ticket, space, street, lot, mete
6Highest probApp, work, update, book, map, reserve, timeAPP RELIABILITY
FREXApp, map, crash, feature, load, slow, version
7Highest probTrip, end, time, make, actual, take, systemEND TRIP ISSUES
FREXTrip, end, life, stuck, make, connect, actual
8Highest probGas, dirty, rent, clean, tank, card, tireCAR CONDITION
FREXDirty, smell, smoke, tank, hair, seat, dog
9Highest probNeed, convenient, quick, recommend, awesome, clean, perfectCONVENIENCE
FREXAwesome, excel, amazing, perfect, quick, convenient, super
10Highest probHour, price, rate, cost, expense, mile, cheaperUSE RATES
FREXPrice, rate, expense, cost, daily, tax, rental
11Highest probMinute, reservation, walk, wait, home, time, awayCAR PROXIMITY
FREXMinute, walk, home, wait, figure, block, stand
12Highest probCar, available, location, vehicle, area, change, timeCAR AVAILABILITY
FREXAvailable, vehicle, car, select, search, choose, date
13Highest probUse, time, now, far, user, review, starEFFICACY
FREXUse, user, far, happy, review, love, code
14Highest probCity, year, insurance, member, gas, need, monthSHARING BENEFITS
FREXErrand, hybrid, live, city, SUV, insurance, variety
15Highest probService, custom, issue, company, terrible, problem, experienceCUSTOMER SERVICE RESPONSIVENESS
FREXService, custom, terrible, issue, support, resolve, company
16Highest probWay, drive, little, take, get, town, busINTERMODAL TRANSPORTATION
FREXTown, bus, airport, taxi, bike, store, run
17Highest probTime, start, location, turn, lock, pick, keyCAR START-UP ISSUES
FREXKey, turn, battery, lock, door, start, waste
18Highest probCall, member, cancel, ask, rep, refund, manageCUSTOMER SERVICE COURTESY
FREXRepresentative, supervisor, agent, rude, manage, speak, conversation
19Highest probAccount, card, email, credit, month, day, membershipBILLING AND MEMBERSHIP
FREXAccount, email, payment, bank, credit, card, address
20Highest probReservation, plan, time, need, book, cancel, advanceCAR RESERVATION
FREXPlan, advance, entire, reservation, chance, screw, ruin

Note(s): Case study on car-sharing services

Example of topic assignment performed by a human evaluator

IDReviewHuman topic assignment
1Such a great idea! Such poor customer service! In theory, there is an office on Rhode Island Ave, but do not count on it being staffed. After I discovered that someone had left a bag filled with valuables in a car I rented and after the 24 h “help desk” said that their policy was to try to hide valuables in the car so that the owner could retrieve them if/when they discovered their loss, I went to the office on Rhode Island to leave the valuables thereTopic 1: customer service (physical office)
2I have been a member of this company for about 6 months now and have had mixed experiences. For short trips in place of a cab, it is just fine, but when it comes to day-long rentals, there are hidden fees, and any time I have needed to use their customer service (twice), I have found it to be infuriating enough to want to cancel the membership altogether use them to take your groceries home and that is allTopic 4: charges and fees
Topic 9: convenience
Topic 10: use rates
Topic 15: customer service responsiveness
3Disclaimer: this service does not work, at least not for me. I have used (attempted) this service three times, all three times I could not get into the car. The first two I had some spare time, so I called customer service who spent 15 min on the phone with me and finally got me in. The last time I was in a hurry and could not do that ended up getting an uber. 3 attempts 3 failsTopic 15: customer service responsiveness
Topic 17: car start-up issues
4Reserved a car for a day. Less than 24 h before the rent period started, I got a weird email from them – they simply moved my reservation to another car in another city without asking me. When I tried to cancel, I was told that I cannot cancel 24 h before the rent period starts. I tried to call them, they did not pick up the phone. There is no other way to contact them There are weird emails that do not work. Oh and your monthly membership? You cannot cancel it The only way to cancel is through phone, which they do not pick up. I am not convinced this is not a giant scam. Stay away from this company!Topic 17: car start-up issues
Topic 18: customer service courtesy
Topic 20: car reservation

Note(s): Case study on car-sharing services

Reviews' topic proportion and review's topic assignment

IDT1T2T3T4T5T6T7T8T9T10T11T12T13T14T15T16T17T18T19T20Highest probabilityStatic threshold (0.15)Dynamic threshold
DTi=Q3i+(1.5 IQRi)
10.470. (DT1=  0.10) T4 (DT2=  0.10) + T17 (DT3 = 0.09) + T18 + 19 (DT4= 0.12)

Note(s): T1, T2, … , T20 means Topic 1, Topic 2, … , Topic 20

Example of results comparison

IDHuman topic assignmentAutomatic topic assignmenttpfpfntn
2T4, T9, T10 and T15T410316
3T15 and T17T11 and T1711117
4T17, T18 and T20T17, T18 and 1921116

Note(s): tp = true negatives; fp = false positives; fn = false negatives; tn = true negatives. T1, T2, … , T20 means Topic 1, Topic 2, … , Topic 20

Example of metrics for topic model validation

MetricsExample (4 reviews)Case study
Validation metrics
F1 score0.590.78
Miss rate0.500.32
False omission rate0.070.04
False discovery rate0.290.09
Negative predictive value0.930.96
Automatic performance metrics
Held-out likelihood−6.17
Range ϵ(,0 ]
Semantic coherence−101.70
Range ϵ(,0 ]
Range ϵ[0,)

Note(s): Column “Example” refers to the sample (four reviews) used to exemplify the proposed procedure (confusion matrix in Figure 5). Column “Case study” refers to the entire validation sample (100 reviews)

Reference values for topic model validation indicators

IndicatorsRangeDirectionTarget values
Accuracy[0;1]High is good>0.95
Recall[0;1]High is good>0.70
Precision[0;1]High is good>0.70
F1 score[0;1]High is good>0.70
Miss-rate[0;1]Low is good<0.20
Fall-out[0;1]Low is good<0.05
Specificity[0;1]High is good>0.90
False omission rate[0;1]Low is good<0.05
False discovery rate[0;1]Low is good<0.05
Negative predictive value[0;1]High is good>0.90


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The authors gratefully acknowledge Dr Silvia Franco for her support in the preliminary activities of this study. This work has been partially supported by “Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca” Award “TESUN-83486178370409 finanziamento dipartimenti di eccellenza CAP. 1694 TIT. 232 ART. 6”.

Corresponding author

Fiorenzo Franceschini is the corresponding author and can be contacted at:

About the authors

Federico Barravecchia is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Management and Production Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. His main scientific interests currently concern the areas of service quality and quality engineering.

Luca Mastrogiacomo is an Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Production Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. His main scientific interests currently concern the areas of service quality and quality engineering.

Fiorenzo Franceschini is a Professor of Quality Engineering at Politecnico di Torino (Italy) – Department of Management and Production Engineering. He is author or co-author of nine books and more than 270 published papers in prestigious scientific journals and international conference proceedings. His current research interests are in the areas of quality engineering, performance measurements systems and service quality.

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