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The antecedents and outcomes of career optimism: a meta-analysis

Xinqi Lin (School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China)
Yuxiang Luan (School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China)
Kai Zhao (School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China)
Teng Zhao (Department of Psychological Sciences, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA)
Guolong Zhao (School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China)

Career Development International

ISSN: 1362-0436

Article publication date: 2 August 2022

Issue publication date: 5 August 2022




Given its importance, career optimism (CO) has drawn much attention from researchers. Fruitful evidence has been accumulated; unfortunately, a quantitative review is still lacking, which would limit the continuous development of this field. To address this, this paper uses the meta-analysis technology to evaluate the links between CO and its antecedents and outcomes.


This study used Hunter–Schmidt method random effect meta-analysis technology to systematically evaluate the true score correlations between CO and its antecedents and outcomes.


Among the CO antecedents, this study found significant links between CO and agreeableness (ρ = 0.11), career adaptability (ρ = 0.55), career knowledge (ρ = 0.43), career decision self-efficacy (ρ = 0.52), social support (ρ = 0.30), conscientiousness (ρ = 0.54), extraversion (ρ = 0.38), gender (ρ = 0.07), GPA (ρ = 0.11), neuroticism (ρ = −0.42), and openness (ρ = 0.27). Moreover, among the CO outcomes, significant links have been found between CO and academic satisfaction (ρ = 0.43), career choice satisfaction (ρ = 0.44), career decisiveness (ρ = 0.37), depersonalization (ρ = −0.48), and emotional exhaustion (ρ = −0.59).


By conducting the first meta-analysis of CO, our study contributes to the CO literature. Additionally, our study increases the knowledge of CO, which would help leaders in the school or workplace to understand the significance of CO better and thereby take actions to intervene and increase students or employees' CO.



Funding: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant (71802015).


Lin, X., Luan, Y., Zhao, K., Zhao, T. and Zhao, G. (2022), "The antecedents and outcomes of career optimism: a meta-analysis", Career Development International, Vol. 27 No. 4, pp. 409-432.



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