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Role-play of employees' protean career and career success in affective organizational commitment

Muhammad Latif Khan (Global College of Engineering and Technology, Muscat, Oman)
Rohani Salleh (Management and Humanities Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Seri Iskandar, Malaysia)
Amjad Shamim (Management and Humanities Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Seri Iskandar, Malaysia)
Mohamad Abdullah Hemdi (Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia)

Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration

ISSN: 1757-4323

Article publication date: 1 June 2023

Issue publication date: 6 August 2024




This paper aims to investigate the role-play of Protean Career Attitude (PCA) and Career Success (CS) in Affective Organizational Commitment (AOC).


A cross-sectional study on 376 employees from 55 hotels in Malaysia were conducted. The co-variance-based structural equation modeling was employed to analyze the data to test the direct and indirect relationships of PCA and CS with AOC.


The findings reveal that self-directed career attitude (SDCA) has a positive direct influence on AOC as well as indirect influence through the mediation of OCS and SCS. However, the value-driven career attitude (VDCA) neither influences AOC nor the OCS.


This is a first paper to body of knowledge in Asian context which identify mediating role of career success (SCA and OCS) to PCA and AOC. The findings of this research are the workplace learning in hospitality management. The authors argue that hotels should not assume spontaneously PCA with diminishing AOC, but rather hotels' attention is required to identify the most important preferences of these butterfly career attitudes such as OCS and SCS. Most importantly the research negates many negative labels of PCA and adds new perception to the contemporary career literature. Higher education institutions, government, and primary, secondary, and post-secondary education departments can play a significant role in developing PCA dispositions like SDCA and VDCA toward career success. Therefore, further study should examine PCA and their relevance to career outcome like job searching and employability of students in Malaysia. The paper is the first, to one's knowledge, to assess organizational commitment with specific measures of PCA. While the results are simple, they refute many stereotypes of the new career and, in that sense, add an important perspective to the career literature.



Khan, M.L., Salleh, R., Shamim, A. and Hemdi, M.A. (2024), "Role-play of employees' protean career and career success in affective organizational commitment", Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 16 No. 4, pp. 836-859.



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