On some nonlinear anisotropic elliptic equations in anisotropic Orlicz space

Omar Benslimane (Laboratory LAMA, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences Dhar EL Mahraz, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Atlas Fez, Morocco)
Ahmed Aberqi (Laboratory LAMA, National School of Applied Sciences Fez, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco)
Jaouad Bennouna (Laboratory LAMA, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences Dhar EL Mahraz, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Atlas Fez, Morocco)

Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 1319-5166

Article publication date: 18 August 2021

Issue publication date: 30 January 2023




In the present paper, the authors will discuss the solvability of a class of nonlinear anisotropic elliptic problems (P), with the presence of a lower-order term and a non-polynomial growth which does not satisfy any sign condition which is described by an N-uplet of N-functions satisfying the Δ2-condition, within the fulfilling of anisotropic Sobolev-Orlicz space. In addition, the resulting analysis requires the development of some new aspects of the theory in this field. The source term is merely integrable.


An approximation procedure and some priori estimates are used to solve the problem.


The authors prove the existence of entropy solutions to unilateral problem in the framework of anisotropic Sobolev-Orlicz space with bounded domain. The resulting analysis requires the development of some new aspects of the theory in this field.


To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first paper that investigates the existence of entropy solutions to unilateral problem in the framework of anisotropic Sobolev-Orlicz space with bounded domain.



Benslimane, O., Aberqi, A. and Bennouna, J. (2023), "On some nonlinear anisotropic elliptic equations in anisotropic Orlicz space", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 29 No. 1, pp. 29-51. https://doi.org/10.1108/AJMS-12-2020-0133



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021, Omar Benslimane, Ahmed Aberqi and Jaouad Bennouna


Published in Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode

1. Introduction

Let Ω be a bounded domain of RN(N2). The aim behind this paper is the study of boundary value problems for a class of nonlinear anisotropic elliptic equations. More specifically, we consider the unilateral elliptical operators whose nonlinearity is given by a vector of N-functions like

where A(u)=i=1N(σi(x,u,u))xi is a Leray–Lions operator defined in WM1(Ω) (defined as the adherence space C0(Ω)) into its dual (see assumptions (19), (20), (21) in Section 3); M(t) = (M1(t), …, MN(t)) are N-uplet Orlicz functions that satisfy Δ2−condition; the obstacle ζ is a measurable function that belongs to L(Ω)WM1(Ω); and for the i=1,,N,bi(x,s,ξ):Ω×R×RNR are Carathéodory functions (measurable with respect to x in Ω for every (s, ξ) in R×RN, and continuous with respect to (s, ξ) in R×RN for almost every x in Ω) that does not satisfy any sign condition and the growth which is described by the vector N-function (M1(t), …, MN(t)) (see assumption (22)). As well as f ∈ L1(Ω).

For several years great effort has been devoted to the study of nonlinear elliptic equations with an operator which was described by polynomial growth. For example, in the classical Sobolev space, Boccardo and Gallouêt in [1], proved the existence of a weak solution of (P) in the case φg ≡ 0. Bénilan in [2] presented the idea of entropy solutions which were adjusted to the Boltzmann condition. For a deeper comprehension of these types of equations in this field, we refer the reader to [3–10] and references therein.

Next, in the Orlicz space, Benkirane and Bennouna in [11] demonstrated the existence of entropy solutions to the following nonlinear elliptic problem:

where φ(C0(R))N and f ∈ L1(Ω). For more results, we refer the reader to [12–24] and references therein.

And in the anisotropic Sobolev-Orlicz space, there are few results dealing with this topic. We will mention recent papers, and we are starting by the pertinent works of Korolev and Cianchi [25, 26] who proved the embeddings of this space. Then, Benslimane, Aberqi and Bennouna in [27] studied the existence and uniqueness of the solution in the following problem in an unbounded domain

where A(u)=i=1N(ai(x,u,u))xi is a Leray-Lions operator defined from WB1(Ω) into its dual, B(θ) = ( B1(θ), …, BN(θ)) are N-uplet Orlicz functions that satisfy the Δ2−condition, and for i=1,,N,bi(x,u,u):Ω×R×RNR are the Carathéodory functions that do not satisfy any sign condition and the growth described by the vector N-function B(θ). After that, Kozhevnikova in [28] established the existence of entropy solutions in an unbounded domain to the following problem:
where Ω is an arbitrary domain in RN,N2,

with a0(x, ψ) ∈ L1(Ω), the function b(x, s0) satisfies the Carathéodory condition and decreases in s0R,b(x,ψ)=0 for all x in Ω; therefore, for any xΩ,s0R

The author supposed two other conditions: the first one is

the second one, δ0 > 0 such as

For more results we refer the reader to [29–32] and the references therein.

This type of operator arises in a quite natural way in many different contexts, such as the study of fluid filtration in porous media, constrained heating, elasticity, electro-rheological fluids, optimal control, financial mathematics and other domains, see [33–36] and the references therein.

As far we know, no previous research has investigated the existence of entropy solutions to unilateral problem (P) with the second term as an operator with growth described by an n-uplet of N-functions satisfying the Δ2−condition, within the fulfilling of anisotropic Sobolev-Orlicz space with bounded domain, the function bi(x,u,u) does not satisfy any sign condition and the source f is merely integrable. Hence, motived by the aforementioned papers, our main work is to obtain the existence Theorem for unilateral problems corresponding to (P) via an approximation procedure and some priori estimates.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we give some definitions and fundamental properties of anisotropic Sobolev-Orlicz spaces. In Section 3, we give our assumptions on data and the definition of entropy solutions to (P). In Section 4, we will show the existence of entropy solutions, with the functions bi(x,u,u),i=1,,N which does not satisfy any sign condition. Finally, in the Appendix.

2. Definitions and preliminary tools

In this section, we recall the most important and relevant properties and notations about of anisotropic Sobolev-Orlicz space which we will need in our analysis of the problem (P). A comprehensive presentation of Sobolev- Orlicz anisotropic space can be found in the work of M.A Krasnoselskii and Ja. B. Rutickii [25, 37].

Definition 1.

We say that M:R+R+ is a N-function if M is continuous, convex, with M(t) > 0 for t > 0, M(t)t0whent0 and M(t)twhent.

This N-function M admits the following representation: M(t)=0tb(s)ds, with b:R+R+ which is an increasing function on the right with b(0) = 0 in the case t > 0 and b(t) → when t.

Its conjugate is noted by M¯;(t)=0tq(s)ds with q also satisfies all the properties already quoted from b, with


The Young’s inequality is given as follows:

Definition 2.

The N-function M(t) satisfies the Δ2condition if ∃c > 0, t0 > 0 such as

(3) M(2t)cM(t)tt0.

This definition is equivalent to ∀k > 1, ∃ c(k) > 0 such as

(4) M(kt)c(k)M(t)fortt0.

Definition 3.

The N-function M(t) satisfies the Δ2condition as long as there exist positive numbers c > 1 and t0 ≥ 0 such as for t ≥ t0 we have

(5) tb(t)cM(t).

Also, each N-function M(t) satisfies the inequality

(6) M(μ+t)cM(t)+cM(μ)t,μ0.

We consider the Orlicz space LM(Ω) provided with the norm of Luxemburg given by


According to [37] we obtain the inequalities


Moreover, the Hölder’s inequality holds and we have for all u ∈ LM(Ω) and vLM¯(Ω)


In [25, 37], if P(t) and M(t) are two N-functions such as P(t) ≪ M(t) and meas Ω < , then LM(Ω) ⊂ LP(Ω). Furthermore,


And for all N-functions M(t), if meas Ω < , then L(Ω) ⊂ LM(Ω) with


Also for all N-functions M(t), if meas Ω < , then LM(Ω) ⊂ L1(Ω) with


We define for all N-functions M1(t), …, MN(t) the space of Sobolev-Orlicz anisotropic WM1(Ω) as the adherence space C0(Ω) under the norm

Definition 4.

A sequence { um } is said to converge modularly to u in WM1(Ω) if for some k > 0 we have

(15) ΩM|umu|kdx0asm.

Remark 1.

Since M satisfies the Δ2condition, then the modular convergence coincides with the norm convergence.

Proposition 1.

(16) θM(t)=M¯(M(t))+M(t)t>0,
with Mis the right derivative of the N-function M(t).


By (2) we take μ = M′(t), then we obtain

and by Ch. I [37] we get the result. □

Since Ω is a bounded domain in RN. The following Lemmas are true:

Lemma 1.

[8] For all uWLM1(Ω) with meas Ω < , we have

where λ = diam(Ω) is the diameter of Ω.

Note by h(t)=i=1NBi1(t)t1N and we assume that 01h(t)tdt converge. So, we consider the N-functions M*(z) defined by (M*)1(z)=0|z|h(t)tdt.

Lemma 2.

[26] Let uWM1(Ω). If

(17) 1h(t)tdt=,
then, WM1(Ω)LM*(Ω) and uM*,ΩN1NuWM1(Ω).


then, WM1(Ω)L(Ω) and u,ΩβuWM1(Ω), with β=0h(t)tdt.

In the following, we will assume that for each N-function Mi(z)=0|z|bi(t)dt obeys the further condition:

Remark 2.

The Following function:

with b > 1 check the Δ2-condition and (18).

3. Assumptions on data and definition of solution

Statement of the problem: Suppose they have non-negative measurable functions φ, ϕ ∈ L1(Ω) and positive constants a¯ and ã such as:

with M¯(t) the complementary of M(t), h(x) ∈ L1(Ω) and l:RR+ a positive continuous function such as: lL1(R)L(R).

3.1 Definition of entropy solutions:

Definition 5.

A measurable function u is said to be an entropy solution for the problem (P), if uWM1(Ω) such that u ≥ ζ a.e. in Ω and

where, Kζ={uWM1(Ω)such asuζa.e. inΩ},formN*sgm(s)=Tm(s)m. We define the truncation at height m, Tm(u):RR by

4 . Main result

In this section, we will show the existence of our problem (P). We will assume that fmf in L1(Ω), m, | fm(x) | ≤ | f(x) | and for i=1,,N,σim(x,um,um):(WM1(Ω))N(WM¯1(Ω))N being Carathéodory functions with

and bim(x,um,um):Ω×R×RNR again being Carathéodory functions not satisfying any sign condition, with
(23)|bm(x,u,u)|=|b(x,Tm(u),u)|mfor all mN*,

Consider the penalized equations:

Theorem 1.

Let’s assume that conditions (19)(22) and (18) hold true, then there exists at least one solution of the approximate problem (Pm).


See Appendix. □

Now, we will show some results in the form of propositions that will be useful for the demonstration of existence Theorem 2, see below.

Proposition 2.

(see [27]) Suppose that conditions (19)–(22) are satisfied, and let (um)mN be a sequence in WB1(Ω) such as.

(a)umu in WM1(Ω),

(b)σm(x,um,um) is bounded in LM¯(Ω),

(c)Ωσm(x,um,um)σm(x,um,uχK).(umuχK)dx0 as K → + ∞ (χK the characteristic function of ΩK = {x ∈Ω; | ∇u | ≤ K }).


M(|um|)M(|u|) inL1(Ω).

Proposition 3.

(see [31]) Let’s assume that conditions (19)–(22) and (18) hold true, then the generalized solution of the problems (Pm) satisfies the following estimate:


Proposition 4.

(see [31]) Suppose that conditions (19)(22) and (18) are satisfied, and let (um)mN be a solution of the problem (Pm), then there exists a measurable function u such as ∀ K > 0, we have for all subsequence noted again un,

(a) um → u a.e in Ω,

(b)TK(um)TK(u) weakly  inWM1(Ω),

(c)TK(um)TK(u) strongly  inWM¯1(Ω).

Proposition 5.

Suppose that conditions (19)–(22) and (18) are satisfied, and let (um)mN be a solution of the problem (Pm), then for any K > 0, we have

(1) σm(x,TK(um),TK(um)) is  bounded  inWM¯1(Ω),

(2) M( | ∇TK(um) |) → M( | ∇TK(u) |) is strongly in L1(Ω),



from Proposition 3 we obtain:

Hence, σm(x, TK(um), ∇TK(um)) is bounded in WM¯1(Ω).

2 Showing that M(|∇TK(um)|) → M(|∇TK(u)|) strongly in L1(Ω) that’s why, let’s introduce the following functions of a variable K defined as hj(K)=1if|K|j,0if|K|j+1,j+1+|K| ifj<|K|<j+1, with j as a non-negative real parameter, ΩK = 

{ x ∈ Ω: | ∇TK(u(x)) | ≤ K } and we note that χK is a characteristic function of ΩK. It’s clear that ΩK ⊂ ΩK+1 and meas(Ω \ΩK) → 0 since K → ∞ shows that the following assertions are true.

Assertion 1.


Assertion 2.

TK(um)TK(u)modular convergence inWM1(Ω).

Proof of assertion 1.


with G(s)=0sl(t)a¯dt as a test function in (Pm) then we get:
by (20) and (22) we obtain:
since f, φ ∈ L1(Ω), lL1(R)L(R), exp(G(±))expl(um)L1(R)a¯ and by proposition 4 we obtain


Proof of assertion 2.

Let j ≥ K > 0, we consider

as a test function in (Pm) we obtain:
by (20) and (22) we have:
(24) i=1N{|um|K}σim(x,TK(um),TK(um)).(TK(um)TK(u)).exp(G(|um|))dx+Ωm.Tm(umζ).sg1m(um)exp(G(|um|)).(TK(um)TK(u)).hj(um)dxΩfm(x)+h(x)+φ(x).l(um)a¯.exp(G(|um|)).(TK(um)TK(u)).hj(um)dx+i=1N{Ω:K<|um|<j+1}|σim(x,Tj+1(um),Tj+1(um))|.|TK(um)|.exp(G(|um|))dx+i=1N{Ω:K<|um|<j+1}σim(x,um,um).um.|TK(um)TK(u)|.exp(G(|um|))dx,
and since TK(um) ⇀ TK(u) is weakly in WM1(Ω), we have:
since |σim(x,Tj+1(um),Tj(um))| is bounded in LM¯(Ω), then there exist σ̃mLM¯(Ω) such that
(25) |σim(x,Tj+1(um),Tj+1(um))|σ̃minLM¯(Ω),
(26) i=1N{Ω:K<|um|<j+1}|σim(x,Tj+1(um),Tj+1(um))|.|TK(um)|.exp(G(|um|))dxexplL1(R)a¯.i=1N{Ω:K<|um|<j+1}|σim(x,Tj+1(um),Tj+1(um))|.|TK(um)|dxexplL1(R)a¯.i=1N{Ω:K<|um|<j+1}σ̃m.|TK(u)|dx=0withm,
according to Assertion 1, we get:
(27) i=1N{Ω:K<|um|<j+1}σim(x,um,um).um.|TK(um)TK(u)|.exp(G(|um|))dx2K.explL1(R)a¯.i=1N{Ω:K<|um|<j+1}σim(x,um,um).umdx0withj,
combine (24)–(27) we obtain:
(28) i=1NΩσim(x,TK(um),TK(um))σim(x,TK(um),TK(u)).(TK(um)TK(u))dx0withm.

According to Proposition 2 we conclude that


Proposition 6.

(See [31]) Suppose that the conditions (19)(22) and (18) are true, and uj,uWM1(Ω)

(29) ujWM1(Ω)c,j=1,,
(30) uju in LM(Ω),
with M(z) is a N-function. Let’s assume the following functions:
j = 1, ⋯ satisfying the condition
(31) ΩAj(x)dx0,j.

Then, there exists a sequence of natural numbers JN such that as j → ∞, j ∈ J

(32)σim(x,uj,uj)σim(x,u,u) in LM¯i(Ω)i=1,,N.
Theorem 2.

Under assumptions (19)–(22), the problem (P) has at least one entropy solution.

Proof of Theorem 2.

We divide our proof in six steps:

Step 1: A priori estimate of { um }. We consider the following test function:


with η small enough, we get:

according to (20) and (22) we obtain:
since f, h, φ ∈ L1(Ω), lL1(R)L(R), exp(G(±))explL1(R)a¯ and the fact T1(um − Tj(um)) → 0 is weakly in WM1(Ω) as j → ∞ (proposition 4). We have:


(33) limmΩm.Tm(umζ).sg1m(um)dx=0.
  • Step 2. Convergence of the gradient:

In this step we consider again the following test function:

with, hj(um)=1|T1(umTj(um))|=1 if{|um|j},0 if{|um|j+1},j+1|um|if{j<|um|<j+1}, and |TK(um) − TK(u)| at the same sign when um ∈{ |um| > K} where j ≥ K > 0 and η are small enough, we obtain
by (20), (22) and the fact j ≥ K > 0 we have this:
(34) i=1N{|um|K}σim(x,TK(um),TK(um)).exp(G(|um|)).(TK(um)TK(u))dx+i=1NΩσim(x,um,um).exp(G(|um|)).(TK(um)TK(u)).hj(um)dx+Ωm.Tm(umζ).sg1m(um).exp(G(|um|)).(TK(um)TK(u)).hj(um)dxΩfm(x)+h(x)+φ(x).l(|um|)a¯.exp(G(|um|)).(TK(um)TK(u)).hj(um)dx,
then, by the condition (c) in proposition 4 we have TK(um) → TK(u) weakly in WM1(Ω), and since fm, h(x), φ ∈ L1(Ω) we get
(35) Ωfm(x)+h(x)+φ(x).l(|um|)a¯.exp(G(|um|)).(TK(um)TK(u)).hj(um)dx0,
(36) i=1NΩσim(x,um,um).exp(G(|um|)).(TK(um)TK(u)).hj(um)dx=i=1N{Ω:j<|um|<j+1}σim(x,um,um).um.exp(G(|um|)).(TK(um)TK(u))dx2K.explL1(Ω)a¯.i=1N{Ω:j<|um|<j+1}σim(x,um,um).umdx0asj,
combining (34) − (36)
letting i, j, m tend to infinity, we have:
(37) i=1NΩσim(x,TK(um),TK(um))σim(x,TK(um),TK(u)).(TK(um)TK(u)).exp(G(|um|))dx0asm,
which is implied by Proposition 2
(38) M(|um|)M(|u|)inL1(Ω).

Hence, we obtain for a subsequence:

(39) umua.e inΩ.
  • Step 3. The equi-integrability of bim(x,um,um):

In this section we will show that:

(40) bim(x,um,um)bi(x,u,u).

Therefore, it is enough to show that bim(x,um,um) is uniformly equi-integrable. We take the following test function:

we obtain:
by (20) and (22) we get:
which implies:


(41) 0Ωm.Tm(umζ).sg1m(um).exp(G(|um|))|um|0{|s|>j}l(s)dsdxc3,
and since lL1(R)L(R) we deduce that:
by (37) and (31) we conclude (30)
  • Step 4. Passing to the limit

Let ϕWM1(Ω)L(Ω) we take the following test function:

and |um|−‖ϕ‖ < |um − ϕ| ≤ j. Then, {|um − ϕ| ≤ j}⊂{|um| ≤ j + ‖ϕ‖} we obtain:
which implies that:
by Fatou’s Lemma we get:
and the fact that
(42) i=1Nσim(x,Tj+ϕ(um),Tj+ϕ(um))i=1Nσim(x,Tj+ϕ(u),Tj+ϕ(u))
weakly in WM1(Ω). And since Tj(um − ϕ) ⇀ Tj(u − ϕ) weakly in WM1(Ω), and by (39) we obtain:
which completes the proof of Theorem 2.
Remark 3.

For the demonstration of the uniqueness solution to this problem (P) in unbounded domain is obtained in [31] with the operator bi(x,u,u):Ω×R×RNR are strictly monotonic, at least for a broad class of lower order term, and in [27] with the operator bi(x,u,u):Ω×R×RNR for i = 1, …, N are contraction Lipschitz continuous functions which do not satisfy any sign condition, and




and let denote LM¯(Ω)=k=1NLM¯i(Ω) with the norm:
where Mi¯(t) are N-functions satisfying the Δ2−conditions.

Sobolev-space WM1(Ω) is the completion of the space C0(Ω).


Let’s show that operator A is bounded. So, for uWM1(Ω), according to (9) and (23) we get:


Further, for σ(x,u,u)LM¯i(Ω),vWM1(Ω) using Hölder’s inequality we have:


Thus, A is bounded.

And that A is coercive. So, for uWM1(Ω)




According to (18) we have for all k > 0, ∃ α0 > 0 such that:


We take uxiMi,Ω>α0i=1,,N.

Suppose that uxiWM1(Ω)0 as j → ∞, we can assume that:


According to (9) for c > 1, we have:

then, by (2.8) we obtain:
which shows that A is coercive because k is arbitrary.

And finally that A is pseudo-monotonic. Following up this assumption and since the space WM1(Ω) is separable, then (uj)C0(Ω) such as:

according to (45), we have for all subsequences denoted again by uj,
(uj)jN is bounded in WM1(Ω), and since WM1(Ω) is continuously and compactly injected into LM(Ω)
ujuweakly inLM(Ω),
ujua.e. inΩ,jN,
and according to (39), we have:
σim(x,uj,uj)σim(x,u,u)a.e. inΩ,jN
bim(x,uj,uj)bim(x,u,u)a.e. inΩ,jN
m.Tm(ujζ).sg1m(uj)m.Tm(uζ).sg1m(u)a.e. inΩ,jN
from (45) and (46), there exist σ̃m in LM¯(Ω) such as:
and there exist b̃m in LM(Ω) such as:

By (33) it is clear that for any vWM1(Ω), we get:


By (48), we have:




On the other hand, we have by the condition of monotony:

which implies
and by Step 2, we get:
according to (47), we obtain:

Therefore, from (52), we have:

According to (49), (51) and (54) we get:
<A(uj),uj><y,u> as j.

Hence, from (55), and (39) we obtain:


By (49) we can conclude that



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The authors would like first to thank Miss Loulidi Wiame for her support and encouragement. Second, to be grateful to the anonymous referees for the valuable suggestions and comments which improved the quality of the presentation.

Corresponding author

Omar Benslimane can be contacted at: omar.benslimane@usmba.ac.ma

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