Fourier coefficients for Laguerre–Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials

Alejandro Molano (Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Duitama, Colombia)

Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 1319-5166

Article publication date: 13 January 2022

Issue publication date: 13 July 2023




In this paper, the authors take the first step in the study of constructive methods by using Sobolev polynomials.


To do that, the authors use the connection formulas between Sobolev polynomials and classical Laguerre polynomials, as well as the well-known Fourier coefficients for these latter.


Then, the authors compute explicit formulas for the Fourier coefficients of some families of Laguerre–Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials over a finite interval. The authors also describe an oscillatory region in each case as a reasonable choice for approximation purposes.


In order to take the first step in the study of constructive methods by using Sobolev polynomials, this paper deals with Fourier coefficients for certain families of polynomials orthogonal with respect to the Sobolev type inner product. As far as the authors know, this particular problem has not been addressed in the existing literature.



Molano, A. (2023), "Fourier coefficients for Laguerre–Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 29 No. 2, pp. 228-241.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021, Alejandro Molano


Published in the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at

1. Introduction

Within the framework of spectral approximation, and to recover values of smooth functions with exponential accurate, it is customary to use Fourier series for periodic problems and series of classical orthogonal polynomials for nonperiodic problems. Nevertheless, if it deals with piecewise smooth function, estimates by means of partial sums are unhealthy; oscillations do not decrease near discontinuities with partial sums of higher order; and far of them, convergence order is low. Thus, the global properties from Fourier coefficients are not enough to obtain local information. This lack of uniform convergence is known as Gibbs phenomenon. A priori, this is a serious issue considering the large number of applications modeled through piecewise smooth function. In literature, methods to face the Gibbs phenomenon in reconstruction of piecewise smooth functions from partial sums have been widely studied. For instance, in Refs. [1, 2], the problem to construct piecewise smooth function values with exponential accuracy at all points is solved by means of approximations with Fourier–Gegenbauer coefficients expansions. These are the so-called Gegenbauer reconstruction methods where the expansion of Gegenbauer polynomials in its Fourier series is crucial. In Ref. [3], the Gegenbauer reconstruction methods are revisited and analyzed in order to prove that Gegenbauer reconstruction is also effective for Fourier–Bessel series. To do that, the author obtains coefficients Fourier for Jacobi polynomials and also for classical orthogonal polynomials with unbounded support (Laguerre, Hermite).

On the other hand, consider a vector of Borel positive measures (μ0, μ1, …, μm), on the real line, with finite moments and μ0 with continuous support. Then, we define the Sobolev inner product on the space of polynomials with real coefficients.


A sequence of polynomials Snn0,   deg  Sn = n, is orthogonal with respect to (1.1) if


The sequence Snn0 is said to be a sequence of Sobolev polynomials orthogonal with respect to (1.1). If μk is discrete, for k = 1, …, m, the above inner product and the sequence Snn0 are said to be of Sobolev type. Sobolev orthogonal polynomials have been widely studied in the last three decades. The first publication on Sobolev polynomials goes back to 1962 in Ref. [4], which deals with certain extremal problem related to smooth polynomial approximation whose solution is posed by means of Sobolev–Legendre polynomials. Such a problem is formulated previously in Ref. [5], although not in terms of Sobolev orthogonality. It has been documented as the approximations with Sobolev–Fourier series from smooth functions in the corresponding Sobolev space improve approximations made through standard families of orthogonal polynomials (see Ref. [6]). Additional applications include spectral methods in numerical analysis for ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations, and generalization of Gauss quadrature formulas, among others. The nice surveys [7, 8] are highly recommended, as well as the paper [9] and references therein. In order to take the first step in the study of constructive methods by using Sobolev polynomials, this paper deals with Fourier coefficients for certain families of polynomials orthogonal with respect to the Sobolev type inner product (1.1) when μ0 is the classical and absolutely continuous Laguerre measure on [0, ). In the next section, we propose the basic background with respect to Laguerre polynomials, and we present the particular Sobolev–Laguerre type families of polynomials to be discussed. In Section 3, we obtain the respective Fourier coefficients by using of similar techniques as the presented in Ref. [10]. Since the orthogonality interval for Laguerre polynomials is unbounded, we will turn special attention to oscillation regions for the Sobolev polynomials.

2. Preliminaries

Let P be the space of polynomials with real coefficients

2.1 Classical Laguerre polynomials and generalities

The classical Laguerre polynomials Lnαn0, with α > − 1, are orthogonal with respect to the inner product:


For an arbitrary polynomial p, k(p) will denote the leading coefficient of p. In the sequel, to normalize Laguerre polynomials, we assume that k(Lnα)(1)n/n. These polynomials satisfy the three terms recurrence relation (TTRR in short),

for n ≥ 0 with the initial conditions L1α0 and L0α=1. For n ≥ 1, the zeros of every Lnα are all real, simple and are located in (0, ) (see Ref. [11]). In the sequel, xn,ii=1n will denote the zeros of Lnα ordered in increasing order.
Definition 1.

Let p be a polynomial with real zeros. An oscillatory region I for p is any bounded interval containing their zeros, in such a way that p is monotone outside I.

With respect to an oscillatory region of classical Laguerre polynomials, we get the next.

Proposition 1.

([11]). For α > − 1 and n > 0, the n zeros of Lnα are into [0, ζn,α], where


We consider, for a nonnegative integer m, the functions βma,b defined as (see Ref. [10]),

where em is the m − th partial sum of the Maclaurin series for the exponential function and [ab] is a bounded interval.

As a consequence of this definition, it is possible to show that if x = ɛξ + δ, ε=ba2 and δ=b+a2, we get


In this way, the next result for the Fourier series for Laguerre polynomials is presented in Ref. [10].

Theorem 1.

Let [a, b] be an interval with < a < b <  and ξ ∈ [ − 1, 1], ε=ba2, δ=b+a2. The Fourier coefficients for Lnα(εξ+δ), in the local variable ξ, are given by

(2.4) L^nα(k)=12εeikδ/εt=0n(1)tt!n+αntβta,biπkε.

2.2 Quasi-orthogonality and zeros

Let Pnn0 be a sequence of polynomials orthogonal with respect to a positive Borel measure μ supported on [a, b], with −  ≤ a < b ≤ , i.e.

abPn(x)xkdμ=δn,kKn,Kn>0,   k=1,,n.
Definition 2.

Let r be a nonnegative integer and Rn a polynomial with degree n ≥ r satisfying abRn(x)xkdμ=0 for k = 0, 1, 2, …, nr − 1, and abRn(x)xnrdμ0. Then, Rn is said to be quasi-orthogonal of order r on [a, b] and with respect to μ.

Of course, if r = 0, then the orthogonality is recovered. The next result describes a necessary and sufficient condition for quasi-orthogonality.

Proposition 2.

([12]). Rn is quasi-orthogonal of order r on [a, b] with respect to μ if and only if there exist numbers bn,i, i = 0, 1, …, r, with bn,0bn,r ≠ 0, such that

(2.5) Rn(x)=k=0rbn,kPnk.

With respect to zeros of quasi-orthogonal polynomials, the next result is well known.

Proposition 3.

([12]). If Rn is quasi-orthogonal of order r with respect to μ on [a, b], then Rn has n − r simple zeros on (a, b).

Suppose that Rn is quasi-orthogonal of order r with respect to μ on [a, b] and Rn and Pn are monic. It is well known that the monic orthogonal polynomials Pnn0 can be obtained by means of a TTRR:

and we define Bn+1k(Pn)B^n+1k(Pn+1) and Cn+1k(Pn1)C^n+1k(Pn+1). In the particular case, when r = 2, from (2.5), we get Rn(x) = bn,0Pn(x) + bn,1Pn−1(x) + bn,2Pn−2(x), and we also define ank(Pn1)bn,1k(Rn) and bnk(Pn2)bn,2k(Rn). The next results refer to behavior and localization of zeros of quasi-orthogonal polynomials for r = 2.
Theorem 2.

([13]). If bn ≤ Cn, the n zeros of Rn are real and simples.

Theorem 3.

([13]). Suppose that xn,ii=1n and yn,ii=1n are the zeros of Pn and Rn, respectively, and ordered in increasing order.

  1. bn < Cn if and only if

    (2.7) yn,1<xn1,1<yn,2<xn1,2<<yn,n1<xn1,n1<yn,n.

  2. 0 < bn < Cn and an>bnxn,1+BnCn if and only if

    (2.8) yn,1<xn,1<yn,2<xn,2<<xn,n1<yn,n<xn,n.

  3. 0 < bn < Cn and an<bnxn,n+BnCn if and only if

    (2.9) xn,1<yn,1<xn,2<yn,2<<yn,n1<xn,n<yn,n.

Theorem 4.

([13]). Suppose that bn < Cn and bn+1 < Cn+1 and we define

(2.10) fn(x)=k(Pn1)Pn(x)k(Pn)Pn1(x).

For i = 1, 2, …, n

if and only if

2.3 Laguerre–Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials, nondiagonal case

If pP and P(x)≔(p(x), p′(x))t, we define the Laguerre–Sobolev type inner product

where A=M0λλM1, with M0M1 ≥ 0 and λ such that det A ≥ 0. Let Snαn0 be the sequence of polynomials orthogonal with respect to (2.12) such that k(Snα)=k(Lnα) for n ≥ 0.
Theorem 5.

([14]). For every nN

(2.13) Snα(x)=Lnα+2(x)+An,αLn1α+2(x)+Bn,αLn2α+2(x),

2.3.1 Laguerre–Sobolev type polynomials of higher order derivatives

Let Sn,mα,Wn0 be orthogonal with respect to Sobolev inner product

with W > 0, m a nonnegative integer and p,qP. Moreover k(Sn,mα,W)=k(Lnα).
Theorem 6.

([15]). For n > m

(2.15) Sn,mα,W(x)=k=0m+1An,kLnk(α+k)(x),
and for k = 1, …, m + 1

With respect to zeros of every Sn,mα,W, we enunciate the next results.

Theorem 7.

(See Ref. [16]). For every n, the zeros of Sn,mα,W are real, simple and at most one of them is outside (0, ). If Sn.mα,W has a zero in (−, 0] then n ≥ m + 1. In addition, if for n0, Sn0,mα,W has a negative zero, then Sn,mα,W has a negative zero for n > n0.

Theorem 8.

Assume that n ≥ m + 1. If {υn,i}i=1n are the zeros of Sn,mα,W, ordered in increasing order, then υn,i < xn,i for i = 1, …, n.

Theorem 9.

If ρn is the negative zero of Sn,mα,W then mυ̃n,m+1<ρn, where υ̃n,m+1 denotes the mth positive zero of Sn,mα,W.

2.3.2 Christoffel transformations and Laguerre–Sobolev type inner product with mass outside support

Given ξ ≤ 0, and an integer k ≥ 1, we consider the weight ωα,k(x) = (x − ξ)kexxα, on [0, ). This is a Christoffel perturbation of the classical Laguerre measure (see Ref. [11]). Ln(α,k)n0 denotes the respective sequence of orthogonal polynomials, where k(Ln(α,k))=k(Lnα) for every n and Ln(α,0)Lnα. An algebraic connection between polynomials orthogonal with respect to the weight ωα,k(x) is as follows (see Ref. [11]),


Assume xn,i[k]i=1n are the zeros of Ln(α,k) in increasing order, with xn,i[0]xn,i.

Proposition 4.

([17]). For i = 1, …, n

(2.17) xn,i[k1]<xn,i[k]<xn+1,i+1[k1].

Now we consider the Sobolev–Laguerre type inner product:

with M, N ≥ 0, ξ ≤ 0. Let Snα,M,Nn0 be the respective sequence of orthogonal polynomials such that k(Snα,M,N)=k(Lnα) for n ≥ 0.
Theorem 10.

([17]). There exist constants Dn,0, Dn,1 and Dn,2 such that

(2.19) Snα,M,N(x)=Dn,0Lnα(x)+Dn,1(xξ)Ln1(α,2)(x)+Dn,2(xξ)2Ln2(α,4)(x),
  1. If M, N > 0, then Dn,08ξnαMLα(ξ)2, Dn,132(ξ)3/2nα1/2MLα(ξ)2 and Dn,21n2.

  2. If M = 0 and N > 0, then Dn,014ξn, Dn,11n and Dn,214n2ξn.

  3. If N = 0 and M > 0, then Dn,0ξMn1/2αLα(ξ)2, Dn,11n and Dn,2 = 0.

Let υn,ii=1n be the zeros of Snα,M,N in increasing order. To describe results on zeros of every Snα,M,N, we present the next results.

Proposition 5.

([17]). The zeros of Snα,M,N are real, simple and at most one of them is outside [ξ, ).

Proposition 6.

([18]). If ξ < υn,1 then

(2.20) υn,1<xn,1<<υn,n<xn,n.

Proposition 7.

([17]). Suppose that υn,1 < ξ. Then

(2.21) 2ξxn1,1[2]<υn,1<ξ<υn,2<xn1,2[2]<<υn,n<xn1,n1[2].

3. Fourier coefficients for Laguerre–Sobolev type polynomials

In this section, we describe the Fourier coefficients associated to Laguerre–Sobolev type polynomials presented in the above section, computed on any finite interval [a, b]. For approximation purposes, we will find an oscillatory region for every family of Sobolev–Laguerre polynomials, in order to exhibit a reasonable choose for the interval [a, b].

3.1 Nondiagonal case

Let Snαn0 be the sequence of Sobolev polynomials orthogonal with respect to the inner product (2.12). From (2.13), this sequence is quasi-orthogonal of order 2 with respect to the classical Laguerre polynomials with parameter α + 2. Then, we consider (2.1) for α + 2, and from (2.13) we define


Then, in the language of Theorem 3, we get the next result.

Corollary 1.


(3.1) 0<Bn+1,α<n(n+α+2),An+1,α<Bn+1,αxn+1,n+1α+2(2n+α+3)n(n+α+2),
(3.2) 0<Bn,α<(n1)(n+α+1),An,α>Bn,αxn,1α+2(2n+α+1)(n1)(n+α+1)
(3.3) fn+1(yn,i)fn(yn,i)+An+1,αfn(yn,i)+Bn+1,α<0,
for i = 1, 2, …, n, then Snαhas n real and simple zeros in the interval 0,ζn,α+2. Here, yn,ii=1n and xn,iα+2i=1n represent the zeros of Snα and Lnα+2, respectively, ordered in increasing order.

Proof. According to Theorem 3, Part 3, inequalities in (3.1) are equivalent to

and from Part 2, inequalities in (3.2), are equivalent to

In the other hand, from Theorem 4, (3.1) is equivalent to


Finally, since the zeros of Lnα+2 and Ln+1α+2 are interlaced, we obtain


The above inequalities imply that


From the Proposition 1, we get the result. □

On the other hand, we suppose that x ∈ [a, b], and we make the transformation x = ɛξ + δ, where ξ ∈ [ − 1, 1], ε=ba2 and δ=b+a2.Then

and by using of (2.13) we get
and by using of (2.4) we obtain

We summarize in the next.

Proposition 8.

Let [a, b] be a bounded interval. Assume x in [a, b], and x = ɛξ + δ, where ξ ∈ [ − 1, 1], ε=ba2 and δ=b+a2. The coefficients of Fourier for Snα(εξ+δ), in the local variable ξ, are giving by


3.2 Higher order derivatives

Sn,mα,Wn0 represents the sequence of polynomials orthogonal with respect to (2.14). As before, we propose a bounded interval that containing the n zeros of Sn,mα,W for n large enough.

Corollary 2.

For n ≥ m + 1, the zeros of Sn,mα,W are located in [ − mxn,m+1, ζn,α].

Proof. From Theorem 8, υ̃n,m+1<xn,m+1, and from Theorem 9, the result is


As before, we assume x ∈ [a, b] and x = ɛξ + δ, where ξ ∈ [ − 1, 1], ε=ba2 and δ=b+a2.

From (2.15) we have

and from (2.4) we arrive to the next.
Proposition 9.

Let [a, b] a bounded interval and n ≥ m + 1. Consider the transformation x = ɛξ + δ, where x ∈ [a, b], ξ ∈ [ − 1, 1], ε=ba2 and δ=b+a2. The Fourier series for Sn,mα,W, with the local variable ξ, is given by


3.3 Mass outside support

Assume that

with an,jα,[0]an,jα=(1)jj!n+αnj (see Ref. [11]). From (2.16), for k ≥ 1,

Then, replacing (3.4) in (3.5) we obtain

or equivalently
then we get the equations
Lemma 1.


and ξ < 0, then
and the coefficients an,jα,[k], with j = 1, …, n − 1, can be obtained recurrently by means of
with the initial condition

If ξ = 0 then

and for j = 1, …, n

According to (2.17), we can deduce that

and as consequence we get the next.
Lemma 2.

The zeros of Ln(α,k) are located in [xn,1, βn + k,α].

Since the Fourier series for Ln(α,k)(εη+δ) in the local variable η is determined by the coefficients

by using of Lemma 1, (2.2) and (2.3) we have the next.
Proposition 10.

Fourier coefficients for Ln(α,k) on a finite interval [a, b], in the local variable η, with x = ɛη + δ, η ∈ [ − 1, 1], ε=ba2 and δ=b+a2, are defined by

(3.6) L^n(α,k)(k)=eikδ/ε2εj=0nan,jα,[k]βja,biπkε.

Let Snα,M,Nn0 be the sequence of polynomials orthogonal with respect to (2.18).

Corollary 3.

For n ≥ 2, the zeros of Snα,M,N are into [2ξ − xn+1,3, xn+1,n+1].

Proof. From (2.17) we get

xn1,1[1]<xn1,1[2]<xn,2[1],    and      xn,2<xn,2[1]<xn+1,3,
(3.7) xn1,1[2]<xn+1,3.

In the same way, xn1,n1[1]<xn1,n1[2]<xn,n[1] and xn,n<xn,n[1]<xn+1,n+1, thus


On the other hand, from (2.20), (2.21), (3.7) and (3.8), we obtain


On the one hand, and on a finite interval [a, b], we compute the Fourier coefficients for every Snα,M,N and in terms of the local variable η. Indeed, if

by using of (2.19)

Then, from (3.5), for k = 2 and k = 4, we obtain


As a consequence, (2.19) can be written as


Then, Fourier coefficients are given by

and if we use (2.4) and (3.6) we get

We summarize in the next.

Theorem 11.

Consider x = ɛη + δ, where η ∈ [ − 1, 1], ε=ba2 and δ=b+a2. For every n ≥ 2, the Fourier coefficients for the polynomial Snα,M,N defined in (2.19), and in the local variable η, are given by

and γn,ξ,1α,2, γn,ξ,2α,2 are given in (3.9).


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The authors thank the referees for the careful revision of the manuscript. Their suggestions have contributed to improving the presentation. This work has been partially supported by Dirección de Investigaciones of Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia.

Corresponding author

Alejandro Molano can be contacted at:

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