The paper aims to determine the rational homotopy type of the total space of projectivized bundles over complex projective spaces using Sullivan minimal models, providing insights into the algebraic structure of these spaces.
The paper utilises techniques from Sullivan’s theory of minimal models to analyse the differential graded algebraic structure of projectivized bundles. It employs algebraic methods to compute the Sullivan minimal model of
The paper determines the rational homotopy type of projectivized bundles over complex projective spaces. Of great interest is how the Chern classes of the fibre space and base space, play a critical role in determining the Sullivan model of P(E). We also provide the homogeneous space of P(E) when n = 2. Finally, we prove the formality of P(E) over a homogeneous space of equal rank.
Research limitations/implications
Limitations may include the complexity of computing minimal models for higher-dimensional bundles.
Practical implications
Understanding the rational homotopy type of projectivized bundles facilitates computations in algebraic topology and differential geometry, potentially aiding in applications such as topological data analysis and geometric modelling.
Social implications
While the direct social impact may be indirect, advancements in algebraic topology contribute to broader mathematical knowledge, which can underpin developments in science, engineering, and technology with societal benefits.
The paper’s originality lies in its application of Sullivan minimal models to determine the rational homotopy type of projectivized bundles over complex projective spaces, offering valuable insights into the algebraic structure of these spaces and their associated complex vector bundles.
Gastinzi, J.B. and Ndlovu, M. (2024), "Rational homotopy type of projectivization of the tangent bundle of certain spaces", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/AJMS-02-2024-0029
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024, Jean Baptiste Gastinzi and Meshach Ndlovu
Published in the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode
1. Introduction
This section will outline the fundamental concepts and definitions of differential graded algebras. We consider a setting where all algebras and vector spaces are taken over the field
A graded algebra is a graded vector space A = ⊕p ≥ 0Ap together with an associative multiplication of degree zero:
If V is a graded vector space, then the free commutative graded algebra ΛV is defined by ΛV = S(Veven) ⊗ E(Vodd), where S(Veven) is the symmetric algebra and E(Vodd) is the exterior algebra. If {v1, v2, ⋯ } is a basis of V, then ΛV is often written as Λ(v1, v2, ⋯).
A commutative cochain algebra (ΛV, d) is called a Sullivan algebra if
Consider the cdga Λ(t, dt), where |t| = 0, |dt| = 1 and d(t) = dt. There are augmentation maps
[1, §2] Let X be a path-connected space. The Sullivan minimal model of X is the Sullivan minimal model of APL(X). If f: X → Y is a map between path-connected spaces, the minimal model of APL(f) is called the Sullivan minimal model of f.
Let φ: (A, d) → (B, d) be a map of cdga’s, and mA: (ΛV, d) → (A, d) and mB: (ΛW, d) → (B, d) be the Sullivan models. Then there exists a morphism of cdga’s g: (ΛV, d) → (ΛW, d) that is unique up to homotopy, such that mB◦g ≃ φ◦mA is called the Sullivan minimal model of φ.
A Sullivan minimal algebra (ΛV, d) is said to be formal if there exists a homomorphism ϕ: (ΛV, d) → H *(ΛV, d) inducing an isomorphism on cohomology. A space X is said to be formal if its minimal model is formal.
A relative Sullivan model of a morphism of commutative differential graded algebras φ: (A, d) → (B, d) is a morphism
Let Q be a finite-dimensional graded vector space concentrated in even degrees. A regular sequence is defined as an ordered set of elements u1, …, um belonging to Λ+Q such that u1 is not a zero divisor in ΛQ, and for i ≥ 2, then the image of ui is likewise not a zero divisor in the quotient graded algebra ΛQ/(u1, …, ui−1). In particular, any given sequence of the form u1, …, um can be used to define a pure Sullivan algebra denoted as (ΛQ ⊗ΛP, d), for ΛP = Λ(x1, …, xm), where the differential operator is defined by dxi = ui [2, p. 437, 4 p. 157].
[1, p. 188] A closed manifold (M2n, ω) is cohomologically symplectic (or c-symplectic) if there is
2. Model of the projectivization of a complex bundle
A projectivized bundle is constructed by replacing each fibre of a complex vecto bundle with the corresponding projective space. Specifically, let
The cohomology algebra of the total space P(E) is given by
If B is a complex manifold and π corresponds to the tangent bundle, the structure group of the complex vector bundle can be reduced to U(n). Moreover, the structural group of P(π) reduces to U(n)/S1 ≅ PU(n), where S1 is considered as a subgroup of U(n) under the identification
As BPU(n) has the rational homotopy type SU(n), a Sullivan model of BPU(n) is given by (Λ(y4, ⋯y2n), 0), and a model of f is ϕ: (Λ(y4, ⋯y2n), 0) → (A, d) with Chern classes [ci] = ϕ(y2i) ∈ H2i(A, d), for i = {1, 2, …, n}. A relative model of projectivization is then given by,
3. Projectivization and tangent sphere bundles over complex manifolds
For a complex vector bundle π: E → B2n let the unit tangent sphere bundle be denoted by S2n−1 → S(E) → B2n. Also, the complex structure on E implies that the circle S1 acts on the sphere bundle. Therefore, there exists a bundle map ζ: S(E) → P(E).
A model for the unit sphere bundle is given by (A ⊗ Λv2n−1, D), where D|A = d, Dv2n−1 = w, where w is a cocycle that represents the fundamental class of B [9]. The following diagram of cdga’s commutes:
where, q(x2) = 0 and q(x2n−1) = v2n−1.
Consider the fibration of the unit tangent sphere bundle over a complex projective space
Proof: If
The dual homotopy groups generated by
The rational homotopy type of the total space P(E) of the projectivized bundle
Proof: Consider the projectivization fibration
Now, consider the homogeneous space G/H where G = U(3) and H = U(1) × U(1) × U(1).
Let j: H = U(1) × U(1) × U(1) ↪ G = U(3) the inclusion, and Bj: BH → BG the classifying map. Then G/H is the homotopy pullback of the following diagram:
A Sullivan model for G/H is
The map f: (Λ(a2, b2, w3, w5), d) → (Λ(x2, y2, x3, y5), d), with f(a2) = x2, f(w3) = x3,
f(b2) = y2, f(w5) = y2x3 − y5 is a quasi-isomorphism. Therefore, P(E) has the rational homotopy type of U(3)/U(1) × U(1) × U(1).
Consider a non-trivial complex vector bundle
The Sullivan minimal model of S2n is (Λ(a2n, b4n−1), d) with da2 = 0, and
Then, the total space P(E) of the projectivized bundle has a Sullivan model,
Making the change of variables to eliminate the linear part, let
As the ideal (x2n−1, t2n) is acyclic, the minimal Sullivan model of P(E) is,
Hence P(E), has a rational homotopy type of
Remark: As
([4, p. 149, 6], Theorem 4.1). Let M be a simply connected smooth manifold of dimension 2n. Given a fibration
The proof of this Theorem 3.4 is given in Refs. [4, 11]. We give here a simple proof of a particular case of this theorem.
If B is a homogenous space of equal rank with a complex structure of dimension n, and
Let B be a homogeneous space of equal rank, implying the existence of a pure model
Let ui = dvi we show that (u1, …, um, dx2n−1) forms a regular sequence in Λ(y1, …, ym, x2). It suffices to show that
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This paper is based on a part of Ndlovu’s Ph.D. thesis carried out under Gatsinzi’s supervision. We leveraged language editing by utilizing ChatGPT.