
The BERA Guide to Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools: Exploring Frontline Support in Educational Research and Practice

ISBN: 978-1-83797-245-6, eISBN: 978-1-83797-242-5

Publication date: 21 August 2024

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(2024), "Index", Jayman, M., Glazzard, J., Rose, A. and Quickfall, A. (Ed.) The BERA Guide to Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools: Exploring Frontline Support in Educational Research and Practice (The BERA Guides), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 203-209.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Michelle Jayman, Jonathan Glazzard, Anthea Rose, and Aimee Quickfall


, 5

, 121

mental health and wellbeing
, 118–120

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
, 9

Alternative provision (AP)
, 136–137

Anna Freud Centre (AFC)
, 158

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
, 141

, 46–49

, 138, 141

, 32

Belonging, pupil voice and
, 74–75

Book of beasties legacy
, 104–108, 110–111

Burgeoning research
, 118, 139

, 46–49

Care-experienced children (CEC)
, 13, 38

Carers, working in partnership with
, 37–38

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
, 7, 38, 104, 146, 159, 164, 187

, 5, 88, 156

with 22q and families
, 142–144

technology role in supporting children mental health
, 88–90

working in partnership with
, 33–34

Children and Families Act, The (2014)
, 137

Co-SPACE project
, 11

Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, The
, 33

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
, 90, 120, 185

Communities of philosophical inquiry for supporting pupil voice
, 71–73

Compassion-focussed therapy
, 161

, 32


adolescent mental health and wellbeing
, 118–120

democratising research agenda
, 122–123

digital pathways for mental health and wellbeing support
, 121–123

exploring digital interventions for youth mental wellbeing through co-production
, 123–130

with youth in schools and research
, 130


, 28, 174–175

surveillance report
, 11

, 33

Decision-making processes
, 37

Department for Education (DfE)
, 51, 66, 68, 100, 136

Department of Health (DoH)
, 100, 136

Digital citizenship, role of schools in promoting
, 87–88

Digital era
, 118

Digital interventions for youth mental wellbeing through co-production
, 123

aims of research project
, 123–124

creating effective mental health and wellbeing digital content
, 128–129

evaluating resources
, 126–127

key findings
, 127

perceptions and experiences of support pathways
, 128

reflections on co-production from young person researcher
, 129–130

young people’s relationship with social media
, 127–128

young person co-researcher
, 124–126

Digital literacy, schools role in promoting
, 85–86

Digital mental health interventions (DMHIs)
, 122, 185–186

Digital pathways
, 185

for mental health and wellbeing support
, 121–123

Digital platforms
, 91

Digital resilience, schools in promoting
, 86–87

Digital society
, 85

Digital technology
, 119, 185

Digital tools
, 16

Digital world
, 121

Disclosures of voice hearing, role of trusted adults in school settings in
, 158–159

Distal stressors
, 38

Early intervention, specialists in detection, prevention and
, 9

Early Intervention Foundation (EIF)
, 119, 122

Education Health Care (EHC)
, 136

Education Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP)
, 40

Education Policy Institute (EPI)
, 6

Educational Healthcare Plans
, 159

Educational materials
, 90

Educational policies
, 30

Educational professionals
, 156

Educational staff
, 158, 161–162

working with disclosure around voice hearing
, 166

Educational work
, 141

Effective mental health
, 128–129

English Education Act (2002)
, 66

Environment, school ethos and
, 32–33

Government policy
, 159

Government strategy for mental health
, 31

Head teachers
, 54–55


, 183

settings-based approach to
, 5–6

Health-promoting schools model (HPS model)
, 5, 175–180

Healthy Lifestyle video, The
, 128

Identification process
, 36

Inclusive practice
, 139

Inclusive whole school approach to wellbeing
, 145–146

Initial teacher training (ITT)
, 11, 178

Institutional Betrayal
, 160

Intensification in education
, 7

International studies
, 4

, 36

, 102

teachers as intervention delivery agents
, 100–101

Job satisfaction
, 46–49

Leadership and management of mental health
, 31–32

, 33

LGBTQ+ youth
, 182

Mental health
, 84–85

, 28–29

, 36, 90

digital pathways for
, 121–123

early identification of pupils at risk of poor wellbeing
, 182

embracing technology
, 185–187

leadership and management of
, 31–32

, 183–184

needs and monitoring impact
, 36–37

PAR approach to understanding and improving
, 141–142

promoting school connectedness
, 182–183

promotion and prevention strategies
, 184

from reactive to proactive stance on
, 181

relationship between SEND and
, 138–139

risk and protective factors for
, 11–15

supporting support
, 181–182

of teachers
, 51

whole school approach to
, 30–31

Mental Health Action Plan (2013–2030)
, 187

Mental health and wellbeing
, 5–6, 11, 14–15, 29, 142

in education
, 30

pupil voice and
, 68

Mental health literacy (MHL)
, 33, 183–184

Mental health support teams (MHSTs)
, 179–180

Methodological approaches
, 16

Meyer’s model of minority stress
, 38

Minority stress
, 38

Mobile apps
, 16

Models of participation
, 71

NASUWT Wellbeing at Work Survey
, 181

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
, 33

Neurodevelopmental disorders
, 141

NHS mental health services
, 163

Online support

, 90–91

schools in promoting digital citizenship
, 87–88

schools in promoting digital literacy
, 85–86

schools in promoting digital resilience
, 86–87

social media and mental health
, 84–85

technology companies
, 91

technology in supporting children and young people’s mental health
, 88–90

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 48

Parents, working in partnership with
, 37–38

Participation frameworks
, 70–71

Participatory Action Research (PAR)
, 17, 69–70, 123

to understanding and improving mental health support children with 22q
, 141–142

Peer-mentoring schemes
, 34

Person-centred learning communities
, 70–71

Philosophical inquiry
, 16, 76

communities of philosophical inquiry for supporting pupil voice
, 71–73

experiences of philosophical inquiry in early years and primary settings
, 73–74

Philosophy with children
, 71

Positive school culture
, 32

, 119

Preventive interventions within whole school approach
, 109–111

Primary schools

accessing teachers’ views on school-based services
, 103–104

book of beasties
, 104–107, 111

embedding preventive interventions within whole school approach
, 109–111

implementation matters
, 101–103

Naomi shares her experience as teacher delivery agent
, 107–109

teachers as intervention delivery agents
, 100–101

Public Health England
, 34

Pupil voice
, 66–67

communities of philosophical inquiry for supporting pupil voice
, 71–73

Connor’s experience
, 75–76

experiences of philosophical inquiry in early years and primary settings
, 73–74

provision attuned to pupils’ needs and preferences
, 69–70

pupil voice and belonging
, 74–75

Pupil voice and mental health and wellbeing
, 68

Pupils at risk of poor wellbeing, early identification of
, 182

Pupils with SEND in schools

case of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
, 140–141

championing voice for
, 139–140

gaps in holistic provision for pupils with 22q
, 145

inclusive whole school approach to wellbeing
, 145–146

key recommendations for supporting holistic needs of
, 148

key themes elicited from interviews with children and young adults
, 143–144

listen to experts
, 146

listening to children with 22q and families
, 142–144

needs of SEND Pupils
, 137–138

PAR approach to understanding and improving mental health support children with 22q
, 141–142

relationship between mental health and SEND
, 138–139

Quality resources
, 110

, 32

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
, 30

, 84, 89, 119

democratising research agenda
, 122–123

, 50, 54

, 36–37, 57, 90–91, 138, 146

accessing teachers’ views on school-based services
, 103–104

, 68

, 182–183

, 35

ethos and environment
, 32–33

, 174

, 178–179

insider perspective working in schools and listening to voice hearers
, 162–164

, 35, 56

in promoting digital citizenship
, 87–88

in promoting digital literacy
, 85–86

in promoting digital resilience
, 86–87

risk and protective factors for mental health
, 11–15

school as health-promoting setting
, 8

school-based mental health and wellbeing programmes
, 112

school-based SEL programmes
, 10–11

school-based social and emotional learning programmes
, 10–11

, 177

settings-based approach to health
, 5–6

specialists in detection, prevention and early intervention
, 9

, 105

trusted adults in school settings in disclosures of voice hearing
, 158–159

‘Scrolling break’
, 127

Secondary schools
, 119

Self-determination theory
, 32, 57

Settings-based approach to health
, 5–6

Settings-based approaches
, 5

‘Shame brain’
, 159–161

Signposting, crucial role of
, 164

Social, emotional and mental health (SEMH)
, 30, 136

Social and emotional learning interventions (SEL interventions)
, 100, 120

Social media
, 16, 84–85

young people’s relationship with
, 127–128

Social validity
, 102

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
, 11, 136–137

championing voice for pupils with
, 139–140

relationship between mental health and
, 138–139

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinators (SENDCos)
, 139

Staff development and wellbeing
, 34–36

Staff mental health

addressing teacher mental health and wellbeing
, 56–58

empirical study
, 51–55

research studies
, 51

teacher resilience
, 50–51

teacher wellbeing, job satisfaction, burnout and attrition
, 46–49

Staff wellbeing
, 57

State of the Nation, The
, 136–137

Static infographics
, 128

Stigma theory
, 157

Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)
, 13, 119

Student voice
, 33–34

Super Skills for Life programme (SSL-A)
, 124

Tailored support for young people
, 159

, 9, 48, 180

as intervention delivery agents
, 100–101

mental health and wellbeing
, 56–58

, 50–51

, 48

, 34, 46–47

teacher-led psychosocial intervention
, 104–107

views on school-based services
, 103–104

, 46–49

, 33

, 156


, 91

in supporting children and young people’s mental health
, 88–90

technology-embracing approach
, 188

Thematic analysis
, 127

Transition process
, 104

, 159

trauma-informed approach
, 160

Trusted adults role in school settings in disclosures of voice hearing
, 158–159

22q, PAR approach to understanding and improving mental health support children with
, 141–142

22q and families, listening to children with
, 142–144

22q11.2 deletion syndrome, case of
, 140–141

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
, 48

Universal screening process
, 36

University College London (UCL)
, 158

Unusual sensory experiences (USEs)
, 156

Voice Collective
, 164

Voice hearers, insider perspective working in schools and listening to
, 162–164

Voice hearing
, 156, 159

compassion focussed principles
, 161

context and experience inform understanding
, 157–159

crucial role of signposting
, 164

disclosure matters
, 162

educational staff
, 161–162

educational staff working with disclosure around voice hearing
, 166

insider perspective working in schools and listening to voice hearers
, 162–164

relate, place and process
, 165

role of trusted adults in school settings in disclosures of voice hearing
, 158–159

shame brain’
, 159–161

, 66, 163

Vulnerable pupils
, 38–39

, 29, 49

addressing teacher mental health and
, 56–58

adolescent mental health and
, 118–120

digital content
, 128–129

digital pathways for wellbeing support
, 121–123

inclusive whole school approach to
, 145–146

pupil voice and mental health and
, 68

staff development and
, 34–36

Whole School Approach (WSA)
, 15, 30, 104, 175

embedding preventive interventions within
, 109–111

to mental health
, 30–31

Wolverhampton HeadStart Programme
, 120

World Health Organization (WHO)
, 29, 122, 183

Young people
, 38, 85, 88, 156

relationship with social media
, 127–128

technology role in supporting young people’s mental health
, 88–90

, 126–127

working in partnership with
, 33–34

Young person co-researcher
, 124–126

Young person researcher, reflections on co-production from
, 129–130

Youth mental wellbeing through co-production, exploring digital interventions for
, 123–130