Mechanical properties of short‐fibre layered composites: prediction and experiment
As a way of enhancing the mechanical properties of photopolymer‐based parts produced by layered manufacturing (LM) techniques, the use of short glass‐fibre reinforcements has been recently explored in the literature. This paper proposes a novel methodology that utilizes a modified rule‐of‐mixtures model for the prediction of the mechanical properties of such layered composites. The prediction process employs empirical data on (i) the fibre‐matrix interface, (ii) the fibres’ geometrical arrangement within the specimens (i.e. fibre‐orientation distribution), and (iii) the fibre‐length distribution. The effects of the fibre‐orientation and fibre‐length distributions are accounted for in the prediction model by the fibre‐length‐correction and orientation‐efficiency factors. Comparison of extensive experimental results and model‐based predictions of mechanical properties of layered composites demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed estimation methodology.
Zak, G., Haberer, M., Park, C.B. and Benhabib, B. (2000), "Mechanical properties of short‐fibre layered composites: prediction and experiment", Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 107-118.
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