Validity and reliability tests in case study research: a literature review with “hands‐on” applications for each research phase
Despite the advantages of the case study method, its reliability and validity remain in doubt. Tests to establish the validity and reliability of qualitative data are important to determine the stability and quality of the data obtained. However, there is no single, coherent set of validity and reliability tests for each research phase in case study research available in the literature. This article presents an argument for the case study method in marketing research, examining various criteria for judging the quality of the method and highlighting various techniques, which can be addressed to achieve objectivity, and rigorous and relevant information for planning to marketing actions. The purpose of this article is to invite further research by discussing the use of various scientific techniques for establishing the validity and reliability in case study research. The article provides guidelines for achieving high validity and reliability for each phase in case study research.
Riege, A.M. (2003), "Validity and reliability tests in case study research: a literature review with “hands‐on” applications for each research phase", Qualitative Market Research, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 75-86.
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