Information drought in research: an Indian perspective
The journal subscription data of the Central Library (CL) at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur during 1995‐97 is analysed to assess the prevalent information drought experienced by researchers in less developed countries. The rationale of the study, some of the myths about electronic alternatives over print media, etc. are explained. A study conducted in 1995 at the CL by gathering subscription details from other IITs to explore the options of resource sharing is extracted to present the duplication rates of costly journals. Quantification of research publications from the IIT, Kaharagpur and India are also attempted using electronic databases like CCOD and INSPEC. The budgeting pattern of CL is presented from the IIT’s Annual Report. Some possible suggestions to get over the information drought are also explored.
Jeevan, V.K.J. (2000), "Information drought in research: an Indian perspective", Library Review, Vol. 49 No. 3, pp. 112-119.
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