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Publication date: 3 April 2024

Julieth Lizcano-Prada, Marcela Maestre-Matos and Jahir Lombana-Coy

This study aims to evaluate how the criteria of sustainability standards (SS) ensure the social dimension of corporate sustainability (CS) in rural entrepreneurships using the…



This study aims to evaluate how the criteria of sustainability standards (SS) ensure the social dimension of corporate sustainability (CS) in rural entrepreneurships using the case of banana agribusinesses in Magdalena (Colombia).


The methodological design was quantitative, explanatory and cross-sectional, where a sample of banana producers from Magdalena (Colombia) was selected. A structural equation model (SEM) was developed to evaluate the hypotheses. The SEM goodness-of-fit and fit indices were all acceptable.


There is a strong and statistically significant correlation between SS criteria and the social dimension of CS. In particular, local development is the most influential factor in shaping CS in the context of banana agribusinesses in Magdalena, Colombia, operating as rural entrepreneurship. Meanwhile, working conditions and human rights show moderate effects, while labor rights do not have a perceptible impact.

Research limitations/implications

Only the SS criteria that ensure the social dimension of CS in the banana agribusinesses of Magdalena (Colombia) were considered. It is important to note that other variables may be involved in ensuring CS. Future research to identify these possible variables is recommended.


This investigation explores an understudied issue within the CS sphere, explicitly focusing on rural entrepreneurship in developing countries, notably Colombia. The study scrutinizes the impact of SS on the social dimension of CS in rural environments, using banana cooperatives as a case study and highlighting the value of developing strategies to help improve the CS performance of this type of organization.


El objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar cómo los criterios de los Estándares de Sostenibilidad (SS) aseguran la dimensión social de la Sostenibilidad Corporativa (CS) en los emprendimientos rurales utilizando el caso de los agronegocios bananeros en Magdalena (Colombia).


El diseño metodológico fue cuantitativo, explicativo y transversal, donde se seleccionó una muestra de productores bananeros del Magdalena (Colombia). Se desarrolló un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) para evaluar las hipótesis. Los índices de bondad de ajuste y ajuste del SEM fueron aceptables.


existe una correlación fuerte y estadísticamente significativa entre los criterios de SS y la dimensión social de la SC. En particular, el desarrollo local aparece como el factor más influyente en la conformación de la SC en el contexto de las agroempresas bananeras de Magdalena, Colombia, que operan como empresas rurales. Mientras tanto, las condiciones de trabajo y los derechos humanos muestran efectos moderados, mientras que los derechos laborales no parecen tener un impacto perceptible.

Limitaciones/Implicaciones de la investigación

sólo se consideraron los criterios de SS que aseguran la dimensión social de la SC en los agronegocios bananeros de Magdalena (Colombia). Es importante señalar que otras variables pueden estar involucradas en el aseguramiento de la CS. Se recomiendan futuras investigaciones para identificar estas posibles variables.


Esta investigación explora un tema poco estudiado dentro de la esfera de la Sostenibilidad Corporativa (SC), centrándose explícitamente en el empresariado rural en los países en desarrollo, en particular Colombia. El estudio analiza el impacto de los Estándares de Sostenibilidad (SS) en la dimensión social de la SC en entornos rurales, utilizando las cooperativas bananeras como caso de estudio y resaltando el valor de desarrollar estrategias que ayuden a mejorar el desempeño en SC de este tipo de organizaciones.


O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar como os critérios dos Padrões de Sustentabilidade (SS) garantem a dimensão social da Sustentabilidade Corporativa (SC) em empreendimentos rurais usando o caso das agroindústrias de banana em Magdalena (Colômbia).


O desenho metodológico foi quantitativo, explicativo e transversal, onde foi selecionada uma amostra de produtores de banana de Magdalena (Colômbia). Foi desenvolvido um modelo de equação estrutural (SEM) para avaliar as hipóteses. Os índices de adequação e de ajuste do SEM foram todos aceitáveis.


existe uma correlação forte e estatisticamente significativa entre os critérios de SS e a dimensão social da SC. Em particular, o desenvolvimento local aparece como o fator mais influente na formação da SC no contexto dos agronegócios da banana em Magdalena, Colômbia, que operam como empresas rurais. Entretanto, as condições de trabalho e os direitos humanos apresentam efeitos moderados, enquanto os direitos laborais não parecem ter um impacto percetível.

Limitações da investigação/Implicações

apenas foram considerados os critérios de SS que garantem a dimensão social da SC nas agroindústrias da banana de Magdalena (Colômbia). É importante notar que outras variáveis podem estar envolvidas na garantia da SC. Recomenda-se a realização de investigação futura para identificar estas possíveis variáveis.


Esta investigação explora uma questão pouco estudada no âmbito da Sustentabilidade Empresarial (SC), focando explicitamente o empreendedorismo rural nos países em desenvolvimento, nomeadamente na Colômbia. O estudo examina o impacto dos Padrões de Sustentabilidade (SS) na dimensão social da SC em ambientes rurais, utilizando cooperativas de banana como estudo de caso e destacando o valor do desenvolvimento de estratégias para ajudar a melhorar o desempenho da SC deste tipo de organização.

Publication date: 30 August 2023

Jorge Armando López-Lemus, María Teresa De la Garza Carranza, Monica Lucia Reyes-Berlanga and Jose Guadalupe Lopez-Lemus

This study aims to identify the influence exerted by the performance of human resources (HR) through effectiveness and efficiency in the success of business projects in Mexico.



This study aims to identify the influence exerted by the performance of human resources (HR) through effectiveness and efficiency in the success of business projects in Mexico.


The methodological design was quantitative, explanatory, observational and transversal, where a sample of 502 was used. A structural equation model (SEM) was developed using the statistical software AMOS v25 to test the hypothesis. SPSS v25 was used for data analysis. Regarding the goodness and fit indices of the SEM, χ2 = 388.83/df = 143; χ2/df = 2.71; p < 0.001; GFI = 0.92; AGFI = 0.91; CFI = 0.96; TLI = 0.95; NFI = 0.94; IFI = 0.96; RMSEA = 0.05; RMR = 0.04; SRMR = 0.03, which turned out to be acceptable.


Through the results obtained through the SEM, it is shown that there is a positive and significant relationship between the performance of HR through their effectiveness (r = 0.65, p < 0.01) and efficiency (r = 0.64, p < 0.01) with respect to the success of the business projects. Likewise, the effectiveness of HR has a positive and significant influence on the efficiency (ß2 = 0.46; p < 0.001) and the success of business projects (ß3 = 0.89; p < 0.001) in Mexico. In the same way, efficiency positively and significantly influences the success of enterprises (ß4 = 0.35; p < 0.001) in Mexico.

Research limitations/implications

In this research, only the performance of the HR was assessed through efficiency and effectiveness as one of the variables that intervene in the development of the business project, and that is one of the main factors of analysis to achieve the success of the enterprise. In this sense, the results are limited to the extent that the findings can be generalized to business projects that are developed in different entities such as universities, incubators and other instances that promote the development of business projects and thereby guarantee success. In this sense, it is considered to carry out more research regarding these variables and others that can study the phenomenon and generate new scientific research.

Practical implications

HR performance is considered as one of the main factors that allow the success of business projects. However, some practical limitations are determined by the vision, strategies, as well as the orientation that entities such as universities, and incubators, among other organizations, determine to develop the business project and thus guarantee its success. Other practical implications lie in the leadership that the entrepreneur exercises in his/her work team and collaborators to generate synergy between them considering culture and identity, as well as the commitment to the business project.


The findings are relevant and of great value because they support entrepreneurship models, giving an alternative focus in the study to achieve success, specifically in the state of Guanajuato, which represents one of the main states that have with a greater number of ventures focused on the automotive, food, leather and footwear cluster, among other SMEs that promote business projects and is one of the main states of the Mexican Republic that contributes to the economic development of the region as well as the nation. Likewise, the study is relevant because there is currently not enough research focused on the variables analyzed on the success of business projects in the Mexican context.


International Journal of Organizational Analysis, vol. 32 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1934-8835


Publication date: 16 July 2024

Julianna Paola Ramirez Lozano, Renato Peñaflor Guerra and M. Victoria Sanagustin-Fons

This study aims to analyze the responsible consumption of Generation Z and millennials in the Latin American market, with special emphasis on the Peruvian case, to identify their…



This study aims to analyze the responsible consumption of Generation Z and millennials in the Latin American market, with special emphasis on the Peruvian case, to identify their differences with consumers born in 1980 and earlier and to evaluate their contribution to Sustainable Development Goal 12.


The study was conducted on a sample of 309 persons living in Lima. After developing and validating an instrument, an online questionnaire was used to collect data. These data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially, using chi-square tests to validate the relationship between variables.


The study identifies and explains the new trend of responsible consumption among Generation Z and millennials in emerging markets, where end consumers interact with and prefer products and services from companies that demonstrate responsible behavior and offer trust. It identifies new consumption variables that go beyond the traditional ones.

Research limitations/implications

The study reveals a trend in the responsible consumption of Generation Z and millennials in Peru. However, it is necessary to complement the study in other countries in the region, as well as to study the new generations, such as the alpha generation and their consumption patterns.

Practical implications

The new trend of responsible consumption among Generation Z and millennials is forcing companies to implement strategies and develop corporate social responsibility programs. These companies must demonstrate ethical, environmental, socially responsible and sustainable behaviors in their daily operations to satisfy their stakeholders.


The study reveals a new trend in Peru, a developing country, where the market – the end consumer – is more informed and therefore demands better corporate performance from companies, including care for the environment and a contribution to society that includes a good relationship with its stakeholders.


Analizar el consumo responsable de la Generación Z y Millennials en el mercado latinoamericano, con especial énfasis en el caso peruano, con el fin de identificar sus diferencias con los consumidores nacidos en 1980 y antes y evaluar su contribución al Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) 12.


El estudio se realizó sobre una muestra de 309 personas residentes en Lima. Después de desarrollar y validar un instrumento, se utilizó un cuestionario en línea para recopilar datos. Estos datos fueron analizados de forma descriptiva e inferencial, utilizando pruebas de chi-cuadrado para validar la relación entre variables.


El estudio identifica y explica la nueva tendencia de consumo responsable entre los Millennials y la Generación Z en los mercados emergentes, donde los consumidores finales interactúan y prefieren productos y servicios de empresas que demuestran un comportamiento responsable y ofrecen confianza. Identifica nuevas variables de consumo que van más allá de las tradicionales.


El estudio revela una nueva tendencia en Perú, un país en desarrollo, donde el mercado -el consumidor final- está más informado y por tanto exige a las empresas un mejor desempeño corporativo, incluido el cuidado del medio ambiente y un aporte a la sociedad que incluye una buena relación con sus clientes y partes interesadas.


El estudio revela una tendencia en el consumo responsable en la Generacion Z y Millennials en el Perú. Sin embargo, es necesario complementar el estudio en otros países de la región, así como estudiar las nuevas generaciones, como la generación alfa, y sus patrones de consumo.

Implicaciones prácticas

La nueva tendencia de consumo responsable entre la Generación Z y Millennials y obligando a las empresas a implementar estrategias y desarrollar programas de responsabilidad social corporativa. Estas empresas deben demostrar comportamientos éticos, ambientales, socialmente responsables y sostenibles en sus operaciones diarias para satisfacer a sus grupos de interés.


Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1012-8255


Publication date: 27 August 2024

Triana Arias Abelaira, Lázaro Rodríguez-Ariza, María Pache Durán and Maria do Rosário Texeira Fernandes Justino

Corporate digital responsibility is a challenge for companies as it recognizes that the use of technology can have a significant impact on society. In addition, a whole philosophy…



Corporate digital responsibility is a challenge for companies as it recognizes that the use of technology can have a significant impact on society. In addition, a whole philosophy of nonfinancial disclosure has recently been developing and has become a priority for organizations seeking to be transparent and accountable. While some companies have already adopted this approach, practices related to information transparency in corporate digital responsibility are still in their early stages, creating a need to improve reporting and promote greater understanding in this evolving field. Based on a study analyzing the disclosure of information on digitization and taking into account that the board of directors is the body in charge of companies’ disclosure policy, the study aims to identify the factors that favor this disclosure.


As established by Ponce et al. (2022), IBEX-35 companies are Public Interest Companies subject to European and international regulations and are required to provide information on economic efficiency indicators and nonfinancial indicators. In relation to the proposed objectives, the aim is to analyze the possible factors that condition the degree of dissemination of information on digitization. To this end, a multiple linear regression of the dissemination index has been proposed following the works of Gil et al. (2018), Rodríguez-Ariza et al. (2014) and Briano-Turrent & Rodríguez-Ariza (2013). The estimation will be performed using the SPSS software (version 27).


The results show that the number of independent directors has a positive influence on the level of information disclosed by companies online. Conversely – and in line with previous studies – board size does not have a significant impact on the level of information transparency.

Research limitations/implications

This study has a few limitations that adversely impact the generalizability of the results. First, the subjective problem inherent in the rating and evaluation of information collected in the annual reports of sample companies cannot be excluded. Second, the consideration that each element that constitutes the IDT has the same weight, there being no weighting criteria. Finally, the study population is limited to 35 listed companies, not considering medium and small companies. Nevertheless, despite these limitations, the results are sufficiently interesting to justify and extend the research to a larger number of companies and, of course, to other stock market indices. Another interesting future line of research would be to include more independent variables to analyze what other factors determine the degree of digital transparency of companies.

Practical implications

The study may be useful for organizations to take into account when identifying the corporate governance characteristics that will improve the disclosure of information on digitalization, which is still incipient and voluntary. Similar considerations could be made with respect to the competent authorities in regulating the disclosure of information by companies, insofar as they should promote policies that, in general, favor corporate transparency.


This study contributes to the literature in three main ways: 1) although there is a large body of research that has explored the impact of corporate governance dimensions on the level of nonfinancial transparency, the present study pioneers the approach to digitalization disclosure in Spanish listed companies; 2) it provides evidence that it is highly advisable to have a majority of independent directors to achieve a higher degree of digital disclosure; and 3) the results of this research show the current state of digital transparency on the websites of most of the listed companies in Spain, which could serve as a benchmark for those responsible for issuing corporate governance policies and guidelines.


Social Responsibility Journal, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1747-1117


Publication date: 12 August 2022

Dolores Botella-Carrubi, Samuel Ribeiro-Navarrete, Klaus Ulrich and Cristina Blanco González-Tejero

Business growth is one of the most studied areas over the years. However, with the current uncertainty and entrepreneurial dynamism it becomes relevant to consider new variables…



Business growth is one of the most studied areas over the years. However, with the current uncertainty and entrepreneurial dynamism it becomes relevant to consider new variables such as entrepreneurial skills and competencies that influence its development. Accordingly, this research refers to the impact that the individual's skills have on the entrepreneurial environment. For this purpose, a survey has been developed of employees of different organizations considering the variables of high degree of proactivity in the employees' attitude, entrepreneurial training, innovation, previous experience or risk aversion.


The research has been conducted through fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) and the result shows the differences between the combination of variables for business growth through the consideration of sales growth and profit.


The results of this research provide new insights that allow the development and boosting of business growth.


The main contribution of this work is to pay attention to the human team of startups and show the role that this has in their growth.


Management Decision, vol. 62 no. 8
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0025-1747


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