Table of contents
Role of JD-R model in upticking innovative work behaviour among higher education faculty
Abhilasha Dixit, Yogesh UpadhyayIn the backdrop of job demands-resources model, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of selected job resources (job autonomy and rewards and recognition) and job…
Social entrepreneurship and social change: a practice-based study in non-governmental organizations
Maria Fernanda Rios CavalcantiThis paper aims to examine how social entrepreneurship (SE) practices give rise to social change in the context of urban Brazil.
Voice or silence: antecedents of whistleblowing intentions
Tatiana Iwai, Luciana Yeung, Rinaldo ArtesThis study aims to examine the effects of peer ethical behavior and individual differences in valuation of fairness vs loyalty on whistleblowing intentions in academic settings…
Branding cities, regions and countries: the roadmap of place brand equity
Fabiana Gondim Mariutti, Janaina de Moura Engracia GiraldiThe purpose of this paper is two-fold: to expand the understanding of brand equity for places (e.g. countries, regions or cities) and propose two frameworks to increase its value.
Disposition effect, demographics and risk taking
Mariana Oreng, Claudia Emiko Yoshinaga, William Eid JuniorThis study aims to investigate the association of demographic characteristics, market conditions and risk taking with the disposition effect using data on Brazilian individual…
A systematic review of consumer information search in online and offline environments
Anu C. Haridasan, Angeline Gautami Fernando, B. SajuThe purpose of this study is to identify major themes and potential research opportunities in online and offline consumer search.

2531-0488Online date, start – end:
2018Open Access:
open accessEditors:
- Leandro dos Santos Maciel
- Rafaela Almeida Cordeiro