Higher Education Evaluation and Development: Volume 16 Issue 1 , Open Access


Table of contents

Seeing through their eyes: the diversity and inclusion lessons learned from rural university students

Catherine S. Browers, Henry Wai Leong Ho

In recent years, diversity and inclusion in higher education has become a topic of increased interest both nationally and internationally. Given the importance of this topic in…


Employability in higher education: a review of key stakeholders' perspectives

Ming Cheng, Olalekan Adekola, JoClarisse Albia, Sanfa Cai

Employability is a key concept in higher education. Graduate employment rate is often used to assess the quality of university provision, despite that employability and employment…


Intercultural sensitivity and its effects on ELT curricula – Teacher insights

Walead Etri

This qualitative research set out to understand what teachers’ assessments were of the context of teaching as it relates to the curriculum, and what they consider appropriate for…


Evaluation of practical accounting education in Jordan

Amer Morshed

The objective of the paper is to explore and evaluate practical accounting education to find its weaknesses and suggest avenues to build strengths which will provide the market…