Information Discovery and Delivery: Volume 50 Issue 4


Table of contents

Factors affecting perception of Indian adolescent students toward interactive online mental health information during COVID-19

Arun Kaushal, Pallavi Dogra

This study aims to identify the critical factors affecting the perception of adolescent students toward interactive online mental health information available on health-related…

A blockchain-based information management system for academic institutions: a case study of international students’ workflow

Weiru Chen, Seyed Mahdi Bohloul, Yifang Ma, Ling Li

This study aims to explore the impact of applying a blockchain-based information system in the international students’ administrative workflow in the context of a public research…


Social network analysis of Twitter data from Pakistan during COVID-19

Syeda Hina Batool, Wasim Ahmed, Khalid Mahmood, Ashraf Sharif

The use of social media has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social media platforms provide opportunities to share news, ideas and personal stories. Twitter is used by…

Exploring the university research scholars’ information literacy competency: a focus on the knowledge and skills

Kalai Senthur Selvi, Perumal Ganesan

This study aims to determine the level of knowledge in searching, evaluating, information management competency and to find differences among research scholars’ in terms of their…

Effects of gain-loss-framed messages on virtual reality intervened fitness exercise

Rohit Yadav, Mohit Yadav, Amit Mittal

Technology for fitness provides users with numerous features that aid the achievement of intended fitness/health goals such as checking consumption habits and adherence to…

Global research trends in augmented reality: scientometric mapping based on Scopus database

Dhruba Jyoti Borgohain, Deepali Arun Bhanage, Manoj Kumar Verma, Ambika Vishal Pawar

This study aims to present a scientometric analysis of publications related to “Augmented Reality.” In today’s Information Technology-driven era, augmented reality (A.R.) has…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr. Wu He