International Journal of Public Leadership: Volume 12 Issue 4


Table of contents

Psychopathy screening for public leadership

Clive Roland Boddy

The purpose of this paper is to re-open a debate as to whether candidates for public leadership should be screened for psychopathy.

Contextual factors affecting moral stress: a study of military and police officers

Peder Hyllengren, Sofia Nilsson, Alicia Ohlsson, Kjell Kallenberg, Gudmund Waaler, Gerry Larsson

The purpose of this paper is to identify and gain a deeper understanding of environmental, organizational, and group conditions, and leadership-related issues in particular, in…

Elected mayors in England: leaders or managers?

John Fenwick, Howard Elcock

Philosophers and political scientists have a long history of dealing with the difficult puzzle of leadership, and how it is to be distinguished from management and administration…

Proxies of public interest: deficits of social accountability mechanisms in the Arab region

Dina Mohamed Wafa

Accountability is usually expressed along a horizontal and vertical dimension. The former is concerned with the system of checks and balances, while the latter focuses on…

Multi-professional clinical leadership training in healthcare: A peer-led evaluation of the experience and benefits of the “Darzi Fellowship”

Rory Conn, Amit Bali, Elizabeth Akers

The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of a structured clinical leadership programme on healthcare professionals working within the British National Health Service…

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  • Dr Tim Mau