Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities: Volume 7 Issue 2


formerly Advances in Mental Health and Learning Disabilities

Table of contents - Special Issue: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

Guest Editors: Dr. Sarah H Bernard

Interventions for young people with intellectual disabilities who commit arson

Troy Tranah, Jennifer Nicholas

The aim of this paper is to review the current literature on working with young people with intellectual disabilities who commit arson.


Use of the Mental Health Act in children and young people with a intellectual disability

Lisa Rippon

In this article, the aim is to focus on the legislation in place within England and Wales pertaining to the care and treatment of children and young people, but intends to give a…


Use of the Mental Capacity Act with children and young people with intellectual disability

Suzannah Gratton

A review of the literature regarding the use of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) of 2005 with young people with intellectual disability indicated an absence of publications on this…


Neuropsychological findings from a forensic neuropsychology clinic at a South East London tier 4 CAMHS

Maxine Sinclair, Alison Blencowe, Laura McCaig, Peter Misch

The existence of neuropsychological deficits associated with antisocial behaviour has received considerable attention. The pilot study investigates the cognitive impairments in a…

Inpatient assessment of young people with developmental disabilities who offend

Ernest Gralton

This is an invited short overview from a clinician working in a national secure inpatient setting which aims to focus on inpatient forensic services for adolescents with…


Living with a child whose behaviour is described as challenging

Kerri Davies, Gemma Honeyman

Families of those with intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviour often do not receive the practical support, training and information they need. As a result living with…

Cover of Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities







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  • Sujeet Jaydeokar