Management Research Review: Volume 35 Issue 8
Communication of emergent international management research
Table of contents
From outsourcing to Cloud computing: evolution of IT services
Subhankar DharMany organizations are outsourcing their information technology (IT) related services to a third party vendor for quite some time. However, the IT services industry including…
Reverse logistics in Czech companies: increasing interest in performance measurement
Radoslav Škapa, Alena KlapalováThe purpose of this paper is to explore whether Czech companies believe that value is being generated by reverse logistics (RL), and whether (and how) they track its costs and…
Do green mutual funds perform well?
C. Edward Chang, Walt A. Nelson, H. Doug WitteThe purpose of this paper is to compare the financial performance of green and traditional mutual funds in the USA.
Aligning organizational values in systems development projects
W. Alec CramThe purpose of this paper is to examine the antecedents and implications of aligning the organizational values embedded in a systems development approach (e.g. agile) with the…
Credit risk assessment and the impact of the New Basel Capital Accord on small and medium‐sized enterprises: An empirical analysis
Ana Paula Matias Gama, Helena Susana Amaral GeraldesThe purpose of this paper is to develop a credit‐scoring model as an aggregate valuation procedure that integrates various financial and non‐financial factors and thereby improves…

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2010Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Jay Janney
- Prof Lerong He