Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Volume 40 Issue 8


An International Journal

Table of contents

Individual and situational predictors of intention to hire gay male and ultra-orthodox male job applicants

Yael Brender-Ilan, Avi Kay

This paper examines personal and situational factors that may contribute to biases in hiring decisions at the workplace, focusing on willingness to hire male gay or male Jewish…


“My only solution is to work later and sleep less”: exploring the perspectives of parenting in academia in Ontario, Canada

Tracy A. Smith-Carrier, Sarah Benbow, Andrea Lawlor, Andrea O'Reilly

The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of parents who have full professorial positions (in faculties of engineering and nursing) in universities in Ontario…

What do participants value in a diversity mentorship program? Perspectives from a Canadian medical school

Stephanie Yifan Zhou, Anita Balakrishna, Joyce Nyhof-Young, Imaan Javeed, Lisa Annette Robinson

As medical schools become increasingly diverse, there is a growing demand for schools to support their equity-seeking students. At the University of Toronto, the diversity…

Moving beyond the rhetoric on faculty diversity in higher education: an interview with diversity expert Dr Bailey Jackson

Monica C. Gavino

The aim of this article is to provide Dr Bailey Jackson's perspective on institutional and systemic barriers to full inclusion of diverse faculty in higher education through the…


The transracial aesthetic labour of an international teaching assistant

Vijay A. Ramjattan

This paper introduces the concept of transracial aesthetic labour to understand why and how an international teaching assistant (ITA) vocally changes meanings of his racial…

Lived experiences of inequalities in the USA: a sense-making perspective

Shaista E. Khilji

Inequality is an important organizational phenomenon. Scholars have argued that inequalities persistently dwell in the flow of our lives and have a lingering impact. Yet, despite…

Learning language and gaining employment: problems for refugee migrants in Australia

Yi-Jung Teresa Hsieh

Muslim refugee migrants are a growing ethno-religious disadvantaged minority group in several Western societies, and host-country language proficiency and employment are essential…


Labour market inclusion of Afghan refugees in Pakistan through Bourdieu's theory of capital

Faiza Ali, Sophie Hennekam, Jawad Syed, Adnan Ahmed, Rabbia Mubashar

This article examines the labour market inclusion of documented and undocumented Afghan refugees in Pakistan using and extending Bourdieu's theory of capital.

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  • Prof Eddy Ng