Mental Illness: Volume 4 Issue 1 , Open Access


Table of contents

Antipsychotic polypharmacy in clozapine resistant schizophrenia: a randomized controlled trial of tapering antipsychotic co-treatment

Eila Repo-Tiihonen, Tero Hallikainen, Päivi Kivistö, Jari Tiihonen

There is a considerable disparity between clinical practice and recommendations based on meta-analyses of antipsychotic polypharmacy in clozapine resistant schizophrenia. For this…

Fatal child abuse: a study of 13 cases of continuous abuse

Anne Leena Marika Kauppi, Tuija Vanamo, Kari Karkola, Juhani Merikanto

A parent who continuously physically abuses her/his child doesn't aim to kill the child but commits an accidental filicide in a more violent outburst of anger. Fatal abuse deaths…


Treatment of a woman with emetophobia: a trauma focused approach

Ad de Jongh

A disproportionate fear of vomiting, or emetophobia, is a chronic and disabling condition which is characterized by a tendency to avoid a wide array of situations or activities…


Sex differences in slow-wave electroencephalographic activity (SWA) in adolescent depression

Jorge Lopez, Robert Hoffmann, Graham Emslie, Roseanne Armitage

Sleep disturbances, present in more than 90% of major depressive disorder (MDD) patients, are moderated by sex in adult MDD. In particular, slow-wave electroencephalographic…

Psychological aspects in children affected by Duchenne de Boulogne muscular dystrophy

Teresa Di Filippo, Lucia Parisi, Michele Roccella

Impairment of intelligence in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patients was described by Duchenne de Boulogne himself in 1868. Further studies report intelligence disorders with…

Staff satisfaction in the functionalisation of psychiatric in-patient care

Nilamadhab Kar, Surendra P. Singh, Tongeji E. Tungaraza, Susmit Roy, Maxine O'Brien, Debbie Cooper, Shishir Regmi

In many UK mental health services, in-patient psychiatric care is being separated from community care by having dedicated in-patient medical team. We evaluated staff satisfaction…

Convergence of children's depression rating scale-revised scores and clinical diagnosis in rating adolescent depressive symptomatology

Paul L. Plener, Jasmin Grieb, Nina Spröber, Joana Straub, Alexander Schneider, Ferdinand Keller, Michael G. Kölch

The Children's Depression Rating Scale-Revised (CDRS-R) is a widely used instrument for research on depression in minors. A raw score of ?40 has often been used as indicator of…

Stigmatising attitudes towards persons with mental illness: a survey of medical students and interns from Southern Nigeria

Bawo Onesirosan James, Joyce Ohiole Omoaregba, Esther Osemudiamen Okogbenin

Stigmatising attitudes towards persons with mental illness are commonly reported among health professionals. Familiarity with mental illness has been reported to improve these…

Headaches as somatoform disorders in children and adolescents

Ewa Emich-Widera, Beata Kazek, Barbara Szwed-Białożyt, Ilona Kopyta, Anna Kostorz

Somatoform disorders are often the main cause for seeking professional advice and performing a number of specialist checks. The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of…

Infectious agents are associated with psychiatric diseases

Daniela Lydia Krause, Elif Weidinger, Judith Matz, Agnes Wildenauer, Jenny Katharina Wagner, Michael Obermeier, Michael Riedel, Hans-Jürgen Möller, Norbert Müller

There are several infectious agents in the environment that can cause persistent infections in the host. They usually cause their symptoms shortly after first infection and later…

Evaluating the mindfulness-based coping program: an effectiveness study using a mixed model approach

Kjersti B. Tharaldsen, Edvin Bru

Since more than 450 million people worldwide suffer from mental disorders, interventions that promote mental health have been called for. Mindfulness-based coping (MBC) is an…

Cover of Mental Illness



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