Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration: Volume 12 Issue 3/4


Table of contents

How transformational leadership facilitates radical and incremental innovation: the mediating role of individual psychological capital

Phong Ba Le

Given the important role of innovation capability in helping firms to innovate and adapt to a fast-paced and unpredictable environment, the purpose of this study is to investigate…


Vital organisational capabilities for strategic agility: an empirical study

Josephine Ie Lyn Chan, Rajendran Muthuveloo

The purpose of this study is to examine the organisational capabilities needed for strategic agility among private higher education institutions (HEIs) in Malaysia that are…


Sentiment drivers of hotel customers: a hybrid approach using unstructured data from online reviews

Ree Chan Ho, Madusha Sandamali Withanage, Kok Wei Khong

With the growth of social media and online communications, consumers are becoming more informed about hotels' services than ever before. They are writing online review to share…

Validation of satisfaction with life scale in the Indian manufacturing sector

Rinki Dahiya, Santosh Rangnekar

In the modern world, life satisfaction has become a quintessential construct for large-scale organizations, and a valid measure to evaluate employee life satisfaction is required…

Board gender diversity and environmental, social and corporate governance performance: evidence from ASEAN banks

Hamdan Amer Al-Jaifi

This study examines the associations between board gender diversity and banks' environmental, social and corporate governance performance in the ASEAN context.


Determinants of capital structure: evidence from Malaysian firms

Abdulazeez Y.H. Saif-Alyousfi, Rohani Md-Rus, Kamarun Nisham Taufil-Mohd, Hasniza Mohd Taib, Hanita Kadir Shahar

The purpose of this paper is to examine the determinants of capital structure using a dataset of firms in Malaysia.


Moderation-mediation framework connecting internal branding, affective commitment, employee engagement and job satisfaction: an empirical study of BPO employees in Indian context

Prabhjot Kaur, Keshav Malhotra, Sanjeev K. Sharma

Taking an evidence from social exchange theory, this research examines the mediating role of affective commitment in the correlation between internal branding, employee engagement…


Determinants of oversubscription of SME IPOs in India: evidence from quantile regression

Nischay Arora, Balwinder Singh

The study aims to measure the subscription level and examine the determinants of oversubscription of small and medium enterprise (SME) initial public offerings (IPOs) in India.

Financial constraints and speed of working capital adjustment

Nufazil Ahangar

The study examines the existence of target level of working capital and the speed of adjustment toward the target for eight manufacturing sectors of Indian economy. In addition…

Local culture as a corporate social responsibility multiplier: Confucian values' mediation between firm policies and employees' attitude

Jian-Yu Chen, Suk-Jun Lim, Hyun-Jung Nam, Joe Phillips

The Western-centric nature of research into corporate social responsibility (CSR) has left gaps in one’s understanding of local culture's role in augmenting or undermining the…

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  • Dr Saeed Pahlevan Sharif