The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice: Volume 12 Issue 2
Issues for workforce development
Table of contents
Do Mental Health First Aid™ courses enhance knowledge?
Hana Morrissey, Simon Moss, Nektarios Alexi, Patrick BallBiased assumptions and unhelpful tendencies in human nature can lead people who are experiencing mental illness to shun help and support. Mental illness is often perceived as…
Mental health student nurses’ satisfaction with problem-based learning: a qualitative study
Gerwyn Huw JonesThe purpose of this paper is to investigate undergraduate pre-registration mental health nurse’s satisfaction with problem-based learning (PBL), in light of the dearth of such…
Objective structured clinical exam: a successful approach to pre-registration mental health nurse assessment
William John Murcott, Nicola ClarkePre-registration mental health nursing courses are a mixture of clinical practice and university-based education completed over three years, culminating in a successful student…
The mental health literacy of British community pharmacists
Kim Morral, Jordi MorralThe purpose of this paper is to examine the mental health literacy (MHL) of British community pharmacists.
Examining mental health literacy, help seeking behaviours, and mental health outcomes in UK university students
Paul Gorczynski, Wendy Sims-schouten, Denise Hill, Janet Clare WilsonMany university students in the UK experience mental health problems and little is known about their overall mental health literacy and help-seeking behaviours. The purpose of…
Training frontline community agency staff in dialectical behaviour therapy: building capacity to meet the mental health needs of street-involved youth
Elizabeth McCay, Celina Carter, Andria Aiello, Susan Quesnel, Carol Howes, Heather Beanlands, John Langley, Bruce MacLaurin, Steven Hwang, Linda Cooper, Christina LordThe purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of the dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) training which was provided to community agency staff (N=18) implementing DBT…
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2006Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Gary Lamph
- Prof Di Bailey
- Dr David Crepaz-Keay