Journal of European Real Estate Research: Volume 1 Issue 1


Table of contents

The capital structure determinants of REITs. Is it a peculiar industry?

Giacomo Morri, Christian Beretta

Unlike previous studies on capital structure decisions, the purpose of this paper is to focus on US real estate investment trusts (REITs) in order to find out the main…


Geographical externalities of local real estate markets: An empirical examination of UK data

Fotis Mouzakis, John Henneberry

Despite the recent trend of off‐shoring branches of UK services industry to remote locations, urban theory has yet to enlist a theory of industrial rents that formally takes into…

The impact of sustainability on the investment environment

Anthony J. de Francesco, Deborah Levy

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the key drivers affecting property investment decisions within a context of sustainability and how these drivers are likely to change…


Negotiating office lease contracts: From a game‐theoretical towards a behavioural view

Dominique C. Pfrang, Silke Wittig

The paper aims at modelling a game‐theoretical framework that covers the basic mechanisms of lease contract negotiations while making allowance for relevant behavioural aspects.

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Paloma Taltavull