International Journal of Leadership in Public Services: Volume 3 Issue 1


Table of contents

Front Line Leadership™ ‐ A Challenge to the Continual Search for the Holy Grail of an All‐encompassing Leadership Model

Richard Cullen

Written partially in response to a previous paper published in this Journal suggesting that leadership and leaders are categorised as ‘transformational’ or ‘transactional’, the…

Leadership Lessons in Health and Social Care Integration: Mental Health

Jenny Robb, Peter Gilbert

Integration is a watchword in Government policy, designed to give more seamless, and therefore more effective, services to people in need. One concern, though, is that this is…


Reflections on Leadership Role as Fellow in Ageing and Mental Health with the National Institute of Mental Health England 2003‐2006

Susan Benbow

The National Institute of Mental Health England (NIMHE) appointed a Fellow in Ageing and Mental Health to take on a national leadership role for a three‐year period from 2003 to…

The Triumph of Big Business‐think

Alistair Mant

This paper suggests that the basic assumptions and language of big business have largely taken over our discourse about how we live our lives and conduct our public affairs. So…


Public Leadership for the 21st Century Delivering ‘Public Value’ through Entrepreneurship, Engagement and Rigour

Will Hutton, Judy Clements, Bob Sang

Will Hutton is chief executive of The Work Foundation, an independent, not for dividend research‐based consultancy that is an influential voice on work, workplace and employment…



Online date, start – end:

2005 – 2014

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

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