Qualitative Research Journal: Volume 15 Issue 3


Table of contents

Respecting recovery: research relationships with people with mental illness

Benjamin Milbourn, Beverley A McNamara, Angus J Buchanan

The lived experience of individuals who experience mental illness should be at the heart of recovery-orientated practice and research. The purpose of this paper is to outline key…

Peer research with young Muslims and the politics of knowledge production

Anna Vassadis, Ameera Karimshah, Anita Harris, Youssef Youssef

The purpose of this paper is to draw on the authors’ experiences as a team made up of both “insiders” and “outsiders” in order to investigate how an insider-outsider peer research…

We know our place: Indigenous community research and the ever-evaporating critical qualitative research tradition

Jon Austin, Glen Parkes, Amy Antonio

The purpose of this paper is to use the experience of attempting to locate funding for three contiguous components of a research program to be undertaken in remote areas of…

Understanding breast cancer patients’ journey from diagnosis through survivorship

Faustine Williams

– The purpose of this paper was to understand the lived experiences of women who have been diagnosed, treated and are cancer free as survivors.

Layers of narratives, images, and analysis

Hannah H. Covert, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg

In this paper, the authors offer a methodological discussion and examples of visual analysis processes. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate a data analysis method that the…

Policy archaeology: digging into special education policy in Ontario, 1965-1978

Yvette DeBeer

The purpose of this paper is to provide a clear and replicable methodology for conducting a policy archaeology. This paper articulates the steps in policy archaeology and the…

Polyphonic coding in qualitative analysis: conversation as musical motet

Barbara Probst, John Bucholtz

Thematic coding is a common form of qualitative analysis, yet identification of “codes” can limit understanding by directing the researcher to formulated categories rather than…

Empowering with image: arts based practice

Anne Lord

The purpose of this paper is to discuss whether artists create research outcomes in a revolving (or spiraling) process? This can be a catch-22 where their work is responding to…


The methodological challenge of cross-national qualitative research: Comparative case study interviews in Australia and Japan

Kirsten Martinus, David Hedgcock

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the difficulties faced during the interview process in a cross-national qualitative comparative case study between Japan and Australia…

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  • Dr Mark Vicars