Journal of Clinical Effectiveness: Volume 1 Issue 1
Table of contents
The National Centre for Clinical Audit: the first stage
Jane E. SmithThis paper outlines the first stage in the development of the National Centre for Clinical Audit (NCCA), which is being established by a partnership of 14 professional…
Implementing clinical guidelines: preparation and opportunism
Debra Humphris, Peter LittlejohnsClinical guidelines are likely to be key components of any Health Service Trust's framework for improving clinical effectiveness. Initial results from the seven pilot sites of the…
Changing clinical behaviour on a city‐wide scale: lessons from the FACTS project
Paul Hodgkin, Rosalind Eve, Ian Golton, James Munro, Gill MussonThis paper dicusses the experience of a team in Sheffield who have established a 3‐year programme, the FACTS project, which aims to develop a framework for changing clinical…
Interface between research and practice: experiences from the nursing, midwifery, and health visiting development units
Barbara VaughanThe King's Fund Nursing Development Units were established to improve the quality of patient care through the development of nursing. As a result of the various approaches to…
Promoting user involvement in clinical audit: surveys of audit committees in primary and secondary care
Marcia Kelson, Linda RedpathThe Department of Health has suggested that organizations should develop mechanisms to ensure successful input from patients and carers into clinical audit processes, advocating…
Achieving clinical effectiveness: just another initiative or a real change in working practice?
Gifford Batstone, Mary EdwardsThe move to develop evidence‐based health care requires an integrated approach to using information in clinical practice. This paper discusses the issues involved in accessing…
Audit of prescribing safety in a department of medicine for the elderly
James F. Sharp, Duncan R. ForsythInadequately written prescriptions can lead to the wrong drug or dose being given, particularly in the elderly. We undertook a clinical audit to examine prescribing habits in a…
In search of the evidence: informing effective practice
Andrew BoothDespite the abundant journal literature the challenge for the health care professional is in retrieving clinically relevant information. Critical appraisal is a useful tool in…
Active research dissemination in the West Midlands
Chris HydeThe need to make better use of research evidence in delivering health care is undeniable. Primary and secondary research of greater quality and relevance will help. However…