Supply Chain Management: Volume 8 Issue 4


An International Journal

Table of contents

Using integrated spreadsheet modeling for supply chain analysis

Gary A. Smith

Spreadsheet software, notably Microsoft Excel, can be used very effectively for analyzing logistics and supply chain issues. Spreadsheets allow analysis from many different…


Strategies of supply communities

Jeffrey P. Katz, Mark D. Pagell, James M. Bloodgood

Only one customer really counts: the end customer. The final purchaser decides whether each supply chain member adds value, and is thus willing to pay for the added benefit, or…


Holistic and cross‐disciplinary deficiencies in the theory generation of supply chain management

Göran Svensson

Generic deficiencies are identified in the theory generation of supply chain management (SCM). There is a crucial and challenging necessity to revise and extend the current theory…


The impact of marketing initiatives on the supply chain

Rhonda R. Lummus, Leslie K. Duclos, Robert J. Vokurka

Effective supply chain management requires sharing information between nodes of the chain. In consumer chains, this demand communication often results in a bullwhip effect as…


On‐line trust building in e‐enabled supply chain

Ashish Agarwal, Ravi Shankar

Trust is a binding force in most buyer‐supplier transactions. It is critical when uncertainty and asymmetric product information are present in the transaction of a supply chain…


Vendor selection and order quantity allocation in volume discount environments

Nasr‐Eddine Dahel

This article presents a multiobjective mixed integer programming approach to simultaneously determine the number of vendors to employ and the order quantities to allocate to these…


E‐business and e‐supply strategy in small and medium sized businesses (SMEs)

B.A. Wagner, Ian Fillis, U. Johansson

The purpose of this research was to investigate e‐business and e‐supply strategies in Scottish small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs). The paper reviews academic literature…


Outsourcing: a public‐private sector comparison

Bernard Burnes, Antisthenis Anastasiadis

Outsourcing is one of the fastest‐growing and arguably most important areas of business activity. This article examines the differing motivations behind and approaches to…


Global sourcing: process and design for efficient management

Amy Z. Zeng

Although the literature on the strategic aspect of global sourcing is large, detailed studies on this procurement strategy from a process perspective are limited. This paper…


Outsourcing: insights from the telecommunications industry

Ronan McIvor

The aim of this research is to identify the drivers and processes that can influence the outsourcing process in the telecommunications industry. The research focuses on a…


Re‐engineering a construction supply chain: a material flow control approach

Paul Childerhouse, Jayne Lewis, Mohamed Naim, Denis R. Towill

From the arguably poor platforms described by the Egan, Latham, and Royal Academy of Engineering reports on the construction sector, there is now evidence that the supply chain…

Cover of Supply Chain Management



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  • Prof Beverly Wagner