Tizard Learning Disability Review: Volume 12 Issue 4

Practice, management, research and innovation


Table of contents

Billy's Story: A Game of Snakes and Ladders

John Burton

Billy's story is told as an experience of care provided by health and social services; the events are taken from the stories of several clients. The story illustrates the failures…

An Evaluation of the Introduction of Facilitated Person‐Centred Planning with People with Learning Disabilities Leaving a Hospital Setting: Sharing the Knowledge

Tina Cook, Lucy Abraham

This article considers some of the issues raised by an evaluation of facilitated person‐centred planning (PCP) for six people with severe and complex learning disabilities…

Investigating Four Evaluation Measures that Aim to Capture the Impact of Service Intervention for Children being Seen by a Community Learning Disability Team

Amy Hebblethwaite, Nigel Denyer, Annette Hames, Sarah Wharton

Government guidelines state that health services must measure outcomes for patients. However, there is only limited evidence on outcome measures for children with learning…

Staff Support, Staff Stress and Job Satisfaction in Working with People with Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviours

Alan Leyin, Eleanor Wakerly

In the context of a staff development programme, the relationships between work‐related stress, staff support and job satisfaction were explored among staff groups in two…

Copying Letters to Patients: Views of Professionals Working with People with Learning Disability

Indermeet Sawhney, John Morgan, Afsaneh Tajer

The National Health Service Plan (DoH, 2000) requires that patients receive copies of correspondence between health professionals about them, as of right. Patients with learning…

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  • Dr Michelle McCarthy