Journal of Systems and Information Technology: Volume 22 Issue 4


Table of contents

Influencing factors in online tourism service quality: a fuzzy cognitive map based on customers’ perceptions

Lan Xu, Xianlei Lu

This study aims to explore the influencing factors of online tourism service quality to clarify the relationship between such factors and the degree of influence so that targeted…

Mediating distance: new interfaces and interaction design techniques to follow and take part in remote museum visits

Galena Pisoni

This paper presents a study of a system that allows remote and onsite visitors to share a museum visit together in real time. The remote visitors are older adults at a care home…


Effect of gratification on user attitude and continuance use of mobile payment services: a developing country context

Muftawu Dzang Alhassan, Emmanuel Awuni Kolog, Richard Boateng

This study aims to investigate the gratifications driving the attitude and continuance use of mobile payment services in developing country context, such as Ghana. Also, the…

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  • Professor Sujeet Sharma