Journal of Systems and Information Technology: Volume 10 Issue 3


Table of contents - Special Issue: Sustainability and information systems

Guest Editors: Professor Craig Standing, Dr Paul Jackson

Information systems and ecological sustainability

Adela J.W. Chen, Marie‐Claude Boudreau, Richard T. Watson

There is a growing awareness by researchers and practitioners of organizations' ecological responsibilities. Past research in management suggests that it is important to develop…


Information technology and systems in China's circular economy: Implications for sustainability

Joseph Sarkis, Hanmin Zhu

The purpose of this paper is to focus on the developing circular economy (CE) policy within China and its relationship to China's information technology (IT) and IT products…


Sustainable information systems: a knowledge perspective

Laura Maruster, Niels R. Faber, Kristian Peters

The purpose of this paper is to propose a re‐orientation of the way the concept of sustainability is dealt with in relation to information systems, positioning human behaviour and…


The impact of digitization on business models for publishing: Some indicators from a research project

Xuemei Tian, Bill Martin, Hepu Deng

The purpose of this paper is to report the findings from a research project aiming to investigate the implications of digitization for the Australian book publishing sector and in…


Exploring the effects of gender, age, income and employment status on consumer response to mobile advertising campaigns

Matti Leppäniemi, Heikki Karjaluoto

The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects gender, age, income and employment status on consumer response to short message service (SMS)‐oriented direct‐response requests…

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  • Professor Sujeet Sharma