International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 31 Issue 7/8


Table of contents

Preparation of logistics managers for the contemporary environment of the European Union

Richard F. Poist, Carl A. Scheraga, Janjaap Semeijn

This study reports and analyzes a questionnaire administered to US and European logistics managers soliciting their perceptions regarding changes in background and skill…


Logistics education: Achieving market and research driven skill development

Remko I. van Hoek

Rapid changes in practice and further developments of research in logistics challenge educators to further upgrade their courses. This paper makes a case for a stronger focus on…


Integrated supply matrix management: A TQM approach for curriculum development

Bruce G. Ferrin, Robert Landeros, Robert F. Reck

Outlines the total quality management approach used to develop and sustain an undergraduate curriculum in supply management. Illustrates the importance of identifying the primary…


Collaborative learning in logistics and transport: The application of 3WIM

Sveinn Vidar Gudmundsson, Jan Nijhuis

The article reports on the development of a collaborative learning method in two master’s level courses given as part of a logistics track within an international business degree…

Problem‐based learning approach in teaching lower level logistics and transportation

Vidar Alvarstein, Liv Karen Johannesen

This paper reports on how problem‐based learning (PBL) was introduced in a lower level logistics and transportation course, and gives some preliminary results. This paper is not…


Using block courses for teaching logistics

David Bruce Grant

This paper describes the use of seminar or block formats in delivering logistics and services marketing courses as pilot projects at the University of Calgary. The students…


The joint‐Nordic PhD program in logistics

Britta Gammelgaard

Doctoral education is usually considered to be a one‐to‐one learning situation with the professor on one side of the table and the doctoral student on the other. With the…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Ivan Russo
  • Professor Shashank Rao