International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 24 Issue 2
Table of contents
Logistics in Command and Mixed Economies: The Russian Experience
Andrei N. RodnikovPresents a history of logistical planning in the USSR and Russia from1920‐1992. Describes in detail the functions of the centralizeddistribution system created in the course of…
Problems of Food Supply Logistics in Russia and the CIS
David H. TaylorReviews the structure, characteristics and problems of food supplylogistics in the Russian Republic and other former Soviet states.Examines the structural causes of food…
Restructuring, Privatization and Deregulation of Transport in Poland: New Transport Policy Implications
Wlodzimierz Rydzkowski, H. Barry SpragginsEconomies of former Soviet bloc countries are being radically changedfrom state‐run to market systems. One of the major impacts of suchchange is on the core logistical component…
Logistics in Bulgaria: Concepts for New Market Expansion
Dennis R. Vanden Bloomen, Ivan Purvanov PetrovExamines the current situation for logistics in Bulgaria. Reviews theprospects for applying logistics concepts with respect to the economicenvironment for privatization and…

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1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao