International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management: Volume 32 Issue 3


Table of contents

Managing customer preferences in a multi‐channel environment using Web services

Jai Ganesh

The technology impact on the various functions in retailing has been increasing. As the number of channels for a retailer increases, managing the dynamics of customer behaviour in…


A guide to developing and managing a well‐integrated multi‐channel retail strategy

Barry Berman, Shawn Thelen

A well‐integrated multi‐channel format enables consumers to examine goods at one channel, buy them at another channel, and finally pick them up at a third channel. Multichannel…


Developments in information and communication technologies for retail marketing channels

Alexis K.J. Barlow, Noreen Q. Siddiqui, Mike Mannion

Online shopping is unattractive to many people, because they prefer a fuller social interaction engaging senses other than sight and sound prevalent in most online shopping…


Radio frequency identification in the UK: opportunities and challenges

Peter Jones, Colin Clarke‐Hill, Peter Shears, Daphne Comfort, David Hillier

Radio frequency identification (RFID) is the generic name for technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify individual items that carry such identification tags…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Neil Towers