Table of contents
A. Goldberg & Sons Plc
John PalAttempts to draw out the salient factors at work during the late1970s and 1980s that led to success, initially, in the retail sector,but ultimately to the failure of the company…
Gary WarnabyDescribes the origins and development of the companies that mergedto form Storehouse in 1985; and the overall performance of the group inthe subsequent five years. Highlights the…
Central Regional Co‐operative Society Ltd
David G. SwindleyDetails the history of the co‐operative movement and societies fromthe beginning in 1844 to the present day. Describes the principles onwhich the co‐operative ideal was based and…
“Who cares wins”
Gary DaviesConsiders the implementation of the customer care campaign withinAsda, as a response to the results of a MORI survey of Asda staff andcustomers. The staff training programme took…
River Island Clothing Co.: A case study on changing an image
Gaynor Lea‐GreenwoodDetails how the Lewis family took Lewis Separates (formed in 1954),repositioned it as the fashion store, Chelsea Girl, to meet the demandsof a fashion‐conscious, more affluent…
The rangill forum
Kim HarrisA case study based on a number of similar businesses butillustrating some general points applicable to any independent retailbusiness. Discusses the importance of location and a…
Allied Breweries: The changing role of the business development manager
Ruth A. Schmidt, Claudio Vignali, Barry J. DaviesBased on an interview with a senior manager at Joshua Tetley &Son Ltd about the changing role of the business development manager.Summarizes the changes in the brewery industry…
The Benetton experience
Claudio Vignali, Ruth A. Schmidt, Barry J. DaviesGives a resume of the Benetton operation, describing how 80 percent of Benetton retailing is franchised with the majority taking placeoutside Italy. Studies, in depth, the…

0959-0552Renamed from:
Retail and Distribution ManagementOnline date, start – end:
1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Neil Towers