Table of contents
EILEEN GOOLDEngineers working in an electronics assembly environment require an ability to evolve new solutions to problems and new products. How is this ‘know‐how’ acquired?
Process Modelling Maps for Solder Paste Printing
N.N. Ekere, E.K. Lo, S.H. MannanThis paper presents a technique for mapping the modelling of manufacturing processes, in which process maps are used to represent information on the models and modelling technique…
Solder Replacement
H.L. HvimsEnvironmental issues have an ever‐increasing influence on the selection of material and processes in electronic manufacturing. This paper discusses the use of conductive adhesives…
Effect of Solder Reflow Process Variables on the Solder Wettability of Lead Free Solder Alloys
C. MeltonA quantitative dynamic solder wettability measurement was used to evaluate the effects of reflow processing on the wettability parameters associated with two non‐lead bearing…
Historical Failure Distribution and Significant Factors Affecting Surface Mount Solder Joint Fatigue Life
E. NicewarnerSolder joint failure history has generally been assumed to follow a straight line when plotted as a lognormal or 2‐parameter Weibull distribution. Test results presented here show…
Characterising Soldering Fluxes
L.J. Turbini, D. CauffieldFor a number of years electronic manufacturers of printed circuit assemblies have used rosin‐based soldering fluxes. Post‐solder cleaning was accomplished with chlorinated or…
Strengthened Solder Materials for Electronic Packaging
J.S. Hwang, Z. Guo, G. LuceyConventional solder materials are generally low temperature and low strength materials which are particularly vulnerable to temperature and stress. Even under ambient temperature…
SMART group news
Michael FennerGreatest…. largest…. highest…. best…. are some of the words that spring to mind when thinking of this year's SMART tour to Nepcon West. We have become used to smooth running SMART…
International association news
Date: 26 October 1994 Venue: The Regency Hotel, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands This conference will provide a forum for discussions on recent advances in high technology joining…
Industry news
Vantage Circuit Products, Bolton based suppliers of speciality chemicals and materials to the electronics industry, have agreed with Du Pont to supply soldering products, notably…
New Products
A new range of non‐contact, non‐immersion stencil/screen cleaners has been launched by Surf Systems. The advent of new generation non‐CFC cleaning fluids for removal of solder…

0954-0911Online date, start – end:
1989Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Peng He
- Associate Professor Shuye Zhang