Executive Development: Volume 8 Issue 6


Table of contents

The development of standards of competence for senior management

Gill Lane, Alan Robinson

Senior managers are continually required to manage the challengesbrought about by the waves of rapid and dynamic change. Researchundertaken by Henley Management College into the…


The standards of competence for senior management :field test results

Chris Pierce, Paul Hannon, Liz Wilson

Describes the national trialling of the Management CharterInitiative Senior Management Standards which involved hundreds of seniormanagers in 1994‐5. Outlines the results of the…


The development of standards of good practice for boards of directors

Victor Dulewicz, Keith MacMillan, Peter Herbert

Explains the model which underlies the Institute of Directors′Standards of Good Practice for Boards of Directors produced inassociation with Henley Management College. These…


Occupational standards for small firms

Liz Wilson

Outlines the small business sector and the development ofoccupational standards in relation to it. Defines some of the keyconcepts underlying national vocational qualifications…


Competence frameworks in safety critical industries

Georgina Slaven

Examines the applicability of national standards of managerialcompetence developed by an international oil and gas company. Presentsthe competence criteria for staff in safety…


Using competence standards to review the people side of the business

Sandra Tjok‐a‐Tam, John Worth

Describes the processes and tools used in an innovative pilotproject involving the use of competence standards to enable 11 small‐and medium‐sized south London businesses to…


A window on an alien world: development centres in the context of director competences

Andrew Harley

Reports the experience drawn from three projects in differentorganizations to establish senior management development centres setagainst director level competences. The outcomes…


A qualitative approach to researching management competences

Liam Murphy

Provides an introduction to, and general explanation of,qualitative analysis. Explains why this approach is best suited to theexamination of management competences. The competency…


The future of the MCI Management Standards

Rick Crawley

Takes a dispassionate view of what the future holds for theManagement Standards drawing on a research study reviewing theexperiences of using the Management Standards. Takes the…




Online date, start – end:

1989 – 1995

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Emerald Publishing Limited