International Journal of Public Sector Management: Volume 13 Issue 1


Table of contents

Collaboration between non‐profit organizations in the provision of social services in Canada: Working together or falling apart?

Stephen P. Osborne, Vic Murray

Explores a conceptual approach to understanding the processes of collaborative relationships. It is applied to a case study of non‐profit collaboration. It both uses it to…


Performance management model: A systems‐based approach to public service quality

John Isaac Mwita

The delivery of public services in developing countries is over‐centralised. One of the reasons for this is the presence of centralised decision‐making apparatus, which distances…


Contracting in ten English local authorities: preferences and practices

John Darwin, Joanne Duberley, Phil Johnson

During the 1990s the contract has become a key feature in the restructuring of the UK public sector. Currently available literature demonstrates an awareness that the…

Applying ethical principles to the decision to build the Red Hill Creek Expressway

Ruth B. McKay

When making decisions about budget expenditures, governments often confront stakeholders with dramatically opposing positions. These stakeholders attempt, through lobbying, to…


Relationship‐based services marketing: The case of the new primary care groups in the National Health Service (UK)

Tony Conway, Stephen Willcocks

This conceptually‐focused paper looks at particular changes implemented in the UK National Health Service. The specific context is the creation of a new organisational form: the…


Barriers to the efficient and effective use of information technology

Peter Middleton

Examines the efficiency and effectiveness of a prescriptive systems development methodology in practice. The UK Government’s mandatory structured systems analysis and design…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Rocco Palumbo