Journal of Services Marketing: Volume 17 Issue 1


Table of contents

Consumer evaluations of “really new” services: the TrafficPulse system

Abba Krieger, Paul Green, Leonard Lodish, Jim D’Arcangelo, Chris Rothey, Paul Thirty

Conjoint analysis is a class of techniques for analyzing consumers’ preferences and trade‐offs regarding their selection of products and services. Typically, conjoint analysis has…


Relationship marketing can mitigate product and service failures

Randi Priluck

Relationship marketing is beneficial to firms because it can foster customer loyalty and re‐patronage behavior. Consumers engaged in relational exchanges are more satisfied than…


The impact of the relational plan on adoption of electronic banking

Nexhmi Rexha, Russel Philip John Kingshott, Audrey Shang Shang Aw

Marketing managers in financial institutions should be aware that customers are likely to embody electronic banking provided that such technology contributes to existing…


Market orientation and performance in service firms: role of innovation

Sanjeev Agarwal, M. Krishna Erramilli, Chekitan S. Dev

There is wide acceptance of the precept that market orientation is associated with superior firm performance. However, empirical support for the proposition in prior literature is…


The international marketing of professional service projects: to what extent does territoriality matter?

Maria Anne Skaates, Henrikki Tikkanen, Kimmo Alajoutsijärvi

Many types of commercial professional services are commonly sold as projects. Therefore this article draws on the project marketing literature to elucidate the international…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Rebekah Russell-Bennett
  • Dr. Mark Rosenbaum